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Vi Shahan

201 Posts
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Know Your Food
1/26/2007 12:27:11 AM
Eating Close To The Earth

The food we eat is a multidimensional aspect of our lives. Food provides us with the energy that enables us to grow and prosper. Yet it can be, and frequently is, much, much more. Our food can be an experience in and of itself if we allow it to be. The dishes we remember from childhood offer unmatched comfort. The act of preparing meals can be an art form of the highest caliber. And the nourishment we derive from this fare promotes wellness within us. But many of us, distracted by daily affairs, forget that the profound pleasures of eating go beyond simple sustenance. We eat foods that are convenient or we eat unconsciously, snacking on whatever happens to be on hand. To understand the true value of food and the impact it can have on our lives, we should acknowledge and honor it by eating close to the earth.

If you have ever shelled and eaten garden-grown peas or bitten into a sun-warmed apple freshly plucked from its tree, you likely understand that there is a marked difference between these foods and those that are processed and stacked on supermarket shelves. Food recently picked contains more of its original life force and thus has a greater store of energy and nutrients. You can ensure you are eating close to the earth-and enjoying the many benefits of doing so-by shopping at a local farmers market and getting to know the individuals who grow your food. If you make the experience of shopping in this way enjoyable, you will be more apt to reject more convenient canned, packaged, and frozen foods in favor of the real delight you feel while browsing stalls of fresh foods nourished by the same soil you can find in your own backyard. You will soon learn what foods are in season in your area and how to prepare them.

As you savor the vivid flavors of juicy ripe fruits and the hearty crunch of unprocessed vegetables, you can also take pleasure in the fact that, by eating close to the earth, you are supporting farmers in your region, connecting with your local ecosystem, discouraging those who would waste precious fossil fuels by carting produce cross-country, and helping to preserve healthy culinary traditions that have existed for centuries.

"Change Your Mind." "Change Your Life." Vi Shahan Website:
John Rivera

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Re: Know Your Food
1/26/2007 12:41:24 AM


YOU can certainly tast the difference from home grown vs store or processed foods. When we were young we used to go from the city to my uncles farm and boy did we eat lots of fresh grown foods.  Peas, corn, chili, Fresh apples and cherries, etc. Oh, those were the good old days and were they tasty. I fully understand the Pleasure by eating close to our earth and missing it.

Nan Herring

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Re: Know Your Food
1/26/2007 12:47:25 AM
i love them when i can get them. i live in a 23 story building in the capital of ny so it's sort of hard.
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Sheryl Loch

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Re: Know Your Food
1/26/2007 12:53:36 AM

This is info that EVERYONE needs!!!

If people knew what they put in those cans, envelopes, & boxes of stuff they call one would eat!!!

This did remind me of sitting in the corn field & eating all the corn we could right off the stalk. Oh, the sour apples, gooseberries, cherries, pull a carrot (& wipe it on your t-shirt, that was clean enough), & all those other great summer time snacks!!! Oh, no, eating all that did give you a belly ache!! I should have stopped when dad told me to.LOL!!

Have a great day,


Neil Reinhardt

1314 Posts
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Re: Know Your Food
1/26/2007 1:12:27 AM
Hi Vi, Thanks for the invitation and the information. During the WWII years, many people (including my folks) had "Victory Gardens" in their back yard and grew as much as they could. Some families continued this long after the war. And I guess, there are some who have the space to do so, still continue growing what they can. It always seemed to me the things we grew usually tasted better than what we bought. Please, Take Care! Neil This Grumpy Old Son Of A Beach says, for a simple, inexpensive, and great tasting, way to earn money, click here: --- --- "Nearly Every Person Does Network Marketing Every Single Day, They Just Do Not get Paid For It."
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