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1/26/2007 1:00:12 PM

Hi Pauline!

Since you are a friend of mine who uses email, I thought you ought to see something I ran into not long ago. I've started using a Private Internet Mail service and guess what- I haven't gotten any Spam or viruses or offensive offers, and nobody has tried to scam me or steal my identity since I started using it. It is so nice to open my inbox and only find letters from people I want to get mail from.

I didn't know there was any way around those things, but there is. I tried it for free and thought you might like to see this, too. And I got a major bonus. They publish a Special Report which taught me things I didn't even know about how dangerous and costly public email is to all of us. EVERYONE who uses public email should read this.

If you click the link at the bottom of the page it will take you to the website and you can sign up for free to get the Special Report- and they won't try to sell you anything!

Just go to the site and take the tour- it'll only take a minute or two, and at the end you can tell them you want the report for free with no cost or obligation.

You've just got to see this for yourself! I couldn't believe all the stuff I didn't know and that I need to know just to protect myself online. In this case, what you don't know CAN hurt you!

Talk to you soon,
Mattias Kroon

Mattias Kroon Affiliate Creative Marketer
1/26/2007 1:40:32 PM
hi pauline......this is great , i think many friends will be using this...i know i will.....luv froxm  jbxx
Flag of Carla Carey

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1/26/2007 10:16:10 PM
Hello Paula,
Thanks alot for this forum sister! I want to thank Linda Harvey for all she's doing for our team in Jerky Direct and am grateful for all my team members too!
Thanks again Paula for letting us show our Goodwill in here, GOD BLESS YOU!
Luv to all,
Carla :)
Glad to make your acquaintance! Carla Carey
Flag of Mary Hofstetter

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1/26/2007 10:23:21 PM
Hi Pauline, In response to a forum named "Troubleshooting-Adlandpro situations", one of our good friends mentioned that we should celebrate holidays of others than Americans also. So, I have taken one of my forums and am using it to promote understanding of other cultures than our own. In this way we want to share goodwill in the celebration of all cultures represented in our community. The forum can be found at: Anyone may post threads to help spread goodwill on that forum. The first is the celebration of Founders Day Jan. 26. Come celebrate the founding of Australia.
Flag of Luella May

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1/27/2007 12:14:50 AM


This forum is an absolutely lovely idea!  My first thank you goes to you!  I am just getting to know you and I am so thankful for our new friendship.  You are awesome! 

Well, I am thankful for so many things! 

Thank you Bogdan for creating Adlandpro.  You have created a place where people truly connect with one another throughout the world.

I am thankful for all my friends here, who are too many to mention.  You all add quality to my life and hold a special place in my heart.

I would like to mention two friends.  Of course, my Partner John Elliott who Joyce has just referred to as the Strong Oak.  How perfect!  He is indeed that.  He is the reason I am sane!  Well, some may not agree that I am entirely sane.  Seriously, John has been there for me from day one and many times has been my sole means of support.  I thank you John for everything.  Most of all I thank you for your love and friendship.

Then, there is Joyce Hyde.  You are so cool!  Joyce would give you the shirt off your back if you needed it.  With Joyce, others come first, and she is doing a marvelous work for her community down in New Orleans.  Actually, I think she should run for office.

I can tell Joyce anything in the world, I can cry, vent, or just laugh.  Joyce has seen the real me, and she still likes me.  We are indeed sisters Joyce!  You are the greatest!



Luella May and John Elliott, aka Oaky Wood


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