My dear sweet Judy, it blesses me so much when I read posts like yours, and I am glad that i started this forum...I too come here so often and it builds me up to see so many nice people appreciating and thanking one another.
About your situation, surely we will pray for you and believe God for your miracle. I believe sometimes he takes us down a certain path cos theres something we have to learn out of it...we do not know the purpose it is allowed, but somewhere down the road you will look back at this moment and realize, that if you handn't been down this path you wouldn't have learnt the lesson you will then know. I know this from experience thats why I say so. Our faith gets strengthened when we look back and see the times we've come thru, and HIS faithfullness so apparent that its undeniable...I use that all the time to build myself up. Its ok to be weak, for when we are weak we will know HE is strong...and thats ok God knows when we are weak thats why HE says 'come to me all you who are heavy laden and weary I will give you rest' Math 11:28 Keep the faith no matter what..your reward will be great....! We will continue to pray for you and your family, dear Judy. We luv you much....!!!
Blessings always
Pauline R