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Pauline Raina

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Re: Life is Love (Nick)
1/24/2007 10:53:39 PM
Dear Nick, Thank you for being there for me. No its just that I had to take a journey down memory lane which isnt a pleasant one...and thats left me kinda out of sorts!!! But im ok did make a difference and thank you with all of my heart. Bless you tons!! Pauline R
Thomas Richmond

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Re: Life is Love (Nick)
1/24/2007 10:54:50 PM
OUTSTANDING POST NICK MY GOOD FRIEND, MANY GREAT REASONS TO LOVE AND THE PICTS ARE COOL TOO. I got something for ya! I was reading Psalms 139:9-10 i came up with this thought, hope you like it; I guess for those who find themselves in places they shouldn't be, the abiding presence of God might be a bit terrifying. But I find great comfort in knowing that no matter where I go, from the moment of my conception to the day of my death, God is always there. He is there to guide me and sustain me. Even when I'm in places I am not supposed to be, doing things I am not supposed to do, he is still there. I can turn to him in repentance and receive his grace. I can turn to him in need and receive his strength. I can turn to him and know I am not alone. it's a real treat for me to bring out all my writings to these types of forums and forums of encouragements all over Adland. I have found my Niche sort to speak trying to spread the love thats already there-people of adland! so in return i spread my love. God-bless.
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Nick Sym

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Re: Life is Love (Nick)
1/24/2007 11:04:27 PM

Dear Denise

Love makes the world go round and a sense of humour is the gravity that keeps our feet on the ground, Oh! And I need you because I love you! (You told me to say it and I learned a long time ago to always listen to the woman - LOL)

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Jerilyn Merideth

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Re: Life is Love (Nick)
1/24/2007 11:06:10 PM

4. A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.


Just like you!




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Nick Sym

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Re: Life is Love (Nick)
1/24/2007 11:44:59 PM

Dear Luella and John

If you read the words carefully there is a meaning there. You knock me down and I will get back up and say I love you for I have Christ in my heart and love in my soul and this is the way I was brought up and at 55 I am not going to change now – not for anybody!



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