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Re: What you can find at Arts and Craft Fairs
1/25/2007 8:22:20 AM
Thanks for the forum, Jenny. I carve and sell 'Functional Art' in the form of pins, necklaces, earrings and belt buckles, all from elk antler. You can see my work at and if you happen to be traveling through Southern Idaho on Feburary 11th, I'll be showing my work at the "Art, Wine and Jazz" show being held at the Carmela Winery in Glenns Ferry, Idaho. (6-9 p.m., $20) Thanks again. Knight
p.s. Join Knight's Delights...a daily offering of jokes or cost
Jenny SJ

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Re: What you can find at Arts and Craft Fairs
1/25/2007 2:56:45 PM
Hi Steve,

Glad you enjoyed the visit to the Arts and Crafts Fair - it really was quite a show and a great shopping experience for the public.


Jenny SJ

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Re: What you can find at Arts and Craft Fairs
1/25/2007 3:09:02 PM
Hi Pauline

It is interesting that you ask about the availabilty of indian crafts. Ironically,  the prime purpose our own Artsesania Fair is to offer local artists and craftsmen the possibility to sell their own work BECAUSE of the flood of Indian and Chinese imports and copies of Éuropean work - particularly from the latter country.

We now have an enormous problem in the West in the Arts and Crafts professions as a result of the enormous quantities of craft articles from your own  country which undercut the work of most europeean artesans - due to the low labour costs.  We are fighting to survive here! and the problem from China that we face of cheap copies produced with exploited labour is incredible.  It has b een the root cause of the closing of many artesans workshops and small and large factories in the industry here over the past years.

A few people actually go to India, but the majority buy from established suppliers of Indian goods here. 

Fortunately there is still a market for owner made craft work and we are keepijng our traditions alive.

Thanks for your input

Jenny SJ

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Re: What you can find at Arts and Craft Fairs
1/25/2007 3:17:44 PM
Hello Mandra

Thanks for posting your dreawm catchers  They are quite lovely.  I have a great affinity for them - they are so soothing.

It would be very interesting to here a little about your own experiences of Craft Fairs and how you have found them for buying and selling in your country.

Let us know

Jenny SJ

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Re: What you can find at Arts and Craft Fairs
1/25/2007 3:43:34 PM
Hello Knight,

I know your work well - wood carving keeps me in awe.

Good luck at your show on Feb 11th.  Can you come back and tell us a little more of your experience at these shows and how useful they are to you in selling your work?

