These are the actual amounts of paychecks received by 67-year-old Alice P. from Ohio. She is a real person, this information is verifiable. How do I get these paycheck amounts? Other members of Lotto Magic mail them to me! Alice and other people who are doing really well make copies of their checks and mail them out and also let their downlines mail them out !
Alice joined Lotto Magic in April 2005.
Her first paycheck in May 2005: $31.25
June 2005: $52.90
July 2005: $128.45
August 2005: $349.50
September 2005: $541.40
October 2005: $1,016.45
November 2005: $1,232.70
December 2005: $1,627.00
January 2006: $1,866.60
February 2006: $1,787.50
March 2006: $2,239.55
April 2006: $2,414.40
May 2006: $2,283.95
June 2006: $2,464.75
July 2006: $2,895.90
August 2006: $3,289.40
September 2006: $4,011.70
October 2006: $4,480.70
November 2006: $4,473.30
December 2006: $5,492.40
Alice's total income for last year is $37,700.15.
Now if you were thinking that Lotto Magic was just a little business to do in your spare IS! It's a little business that can bring you a yearly income that rivals all the people who go to their real jobs everyday!
You'll notice that Alice earned over $1,000 in her 6th month's check. She didn't use the internet, she only advertised by mail. Imagine what YOU can do WITH internet advertising, and mail if you wanted to do both! So far I've earned $138 in my first 2 and a half weeks, $105 of it by internet, ALL of my online sign-ups came from Adlandpro community. Why haven't YOU joined yet? Obviously our community neighbors here are very eager to join Lotto Magic. If I'm passing Alice first month's income by a large margin, imagine what MY paychecks will look like in 6 months from now! If I'm earning 75% of my income by internet, and she didn't even use the internet, that could potentially result in my earning 75% more than she did...that's 4 times more! When you join you'll get a site just like this:
Call for the FREE booklet explaining the Lotto Magic opportunity: 1-877-526-6957 and mention ID # V5188.
If you'd like to talk to a company representative, Lotto Magic's phone number is 1-850-864-2251.