Brian.. When I watched this for the first time.. it was totally amazing to me and very very powerful to my lifestyles now.. I can't believe how much a positive role can play such strength to ones life..
Also.. I was on a coorprate call with Isagenix over the weekend.. and there is a great book out there called, " The Great Little Book of Afformations". Author is Noah St. John. He speaks on how to get the answer to questions... Very awesome meeting with him , and he put it all into perspective..
EG. AfFIRMation is you are making the question or answer FIRM in your mind... AfFORMation is when you are forming the question in your brain... If we ask ouselves a question... the brain will automatically start searching for an answer to that question.. If we ask ourselves... Why am I Rich>? the brain will start to search for that question.. and one day become reality cause you have told youself that and now found the answer.. If we think positive, yes.. positive will follow and become in our daily lives...
Anyways.. it is a Great Book.. I strongly reccomend that to all of you here.. and another one.. is Rich Dad, Poor Dad.. another VERY strong book to read...
Thanks.. Great forum you have here Brian.. hope this finds you well...