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Rose Enderud

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Re: Congratualtions To AdlandPro's New Person Of The Year!!!
1/21/2007 10:20:33 AM
Congradulations Luella May

Luella May

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Re: Congratualtions To AdlandPro's New Person Of The Year!!!
1/21/2007 11:25:30 AM

Hi John,


This is John Elliott here Luella’s proud partner and co-founder of far more than TC4Women.


I feel like the man who’s climbed mountains, traversed the widest oceans, crossed the hottest and driest of deserts, thumbed lifts at truck stops, and caught several bus’s just to deliver a bunch of roses and a box of Black Magic chocolates, only to find I’ve left them on the sofa back home in the UK, Doh! CONGRATULATIONS my dearest at least I made it eventually in one piece.


My wonderful Luella this IS your finest hour. Almost exactly a year to the day, you had the honour of being POTW and how proud I was and still am. We had already seen the birth of our new baby TheCorner4Women on January 16th 2006 yes Martin Luther King Day, he was a man of vision, a man of dreams.


Our mission was to build our own “Field of Dreams” just like in the Kevin Costner film, it would become a sanctuary for some, a haven, and a place of learning for others. A place where every woman of every religious faction could find motivation and be empowered to help others, and break those hidden chains of oppression. We had a wonderful dream, and that dream was TheCorner4Women.


Our baby was nurtured with love and care, and now has become a toddler and a beacon of light at the end of the dark tunnel for many women, and of course I’m glad to say many men to. Luella you are our guardian angel, with your soothing smile that greets everyone. You are that ray of hope that waits at the gates of our heaven, which is


I’ve stood by so proud, and watched as you’ve been the mother hen with her chicks, protecting and loving your brood. I’ve stood by and heard your laughter, and swept those teardrops from your cheeks as we rode our roller-coaster ride over this past year together.


No longer are you that green kid on the block, you are a well loved, respected and most professional woman. To know you is certainly to love you, and judging by the many here today, I’m not the only one to think this.


Together we will always be strong. Total trust, respect, loyalty, caring, sharing and love are our unbreakable strengths and bond, as we look forward to 2007 and all it may bring into our lives, as we face new and exciting challenges together.


You deserve to be crowned POTY and Queen of AdlandPro Community, a true and rare Queen of Hearts in my mind, but then aren’t I so, so biased, LOL Just ponder for a brief moment the words of this song “From a Jack to a King” it reveals so much…


Love, Hugz and Kisses always. Oh! And Happy Birthday Luella


John your beloved partner and dearest friend



Luella May

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Re: Congratualtions To AdlandPro's New Person Of The Year!!!
1/21/2007 2:02:47 PM

Oh my dearest John!  I must reply to you now as your post has so touched my heart.

We have magic around us, I am sure, and that magic includes TC4Women, the past, the present, and what is to become in the future.  The plans that have formed and the road that we are walking seems almost unbelievable, as who would think that little old me could take on such a challenge with kids and hopefully their families too.  Ah, but I have you holding my hand, so I am not alone at all.  You are with me every step of the way because without you, I could not do this.  You are what keeps me standing, you are what holds me together emotionally, and you are my soulmate John.  I am so proud and honored to be your partner and I am so humbled that you even chose me.

As the winds of change take TC4Women into a new direction, I also feel the winds of change in my life, guiding me with it. 

This is a most magical month and again I am most honored and humbled.  John, this year is only beginning and great unimaginable events will take place, I just know it and feel it.  And I take your hand and walk forward into the future, a wonderful and bright future.  You are the reason for everything that I do.

Hugz to you my soulmate, and you have given me the best birthday present ever!


Rosalind Brinson

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Re: Congratualtions To AdlandPro's New Person Of The Year!!!
1/21/2007 2:08:38 PM

Congratulations Luella!!! You certainly deserve the honor. Your site is wonderful, and your bio was uplifting.

And thanks to Ambassador John for the hard work putting this together.


Luella May

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Re: Congratualtions To AdlandPro's New Person Of The Year!!!
1/21/2007 2:17:34 PM

Sheryl!  Brad! And Dear Caitlinn!

What an honor it is to have you drop in!  Thank you so very much.  You guys are #1!  My dear Caitlinn, I want you to know that when I used the caterpillar/butterfly reference in my bio that all of a sudden I thought of you.  You are awesome!

Love to you all!



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