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Steve Baric

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Re: OK I am looking for audio CD'S
1/19/2007 6:43:51 AM
You need to take care here Kathy. You have to use royalty free can't just use music off CDs just because it fits your theme. To do so without permission is a major copyright violation and you could be subject to some massive fines.

The alternative is you could license some music from someone whose job actually involves writing music for this sort of purpose (wink wink).
Steve Baric
Steve Baric

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Re: OK I am looking for audio CD'S
1/19/2007 6:50:58 AM
Also, just as a point of interest,....

From a web design point of view, adding auto-play audio and music to a website is a bad idea. It slows load times, can be really annoying to the visitor (especially if they can't find the button to switch it off), and really doesn't serve any advantage.

What you can do is add a playable script. One that allows the visitor to turn the music on if they want it. And there's one player available that will allow them to actually find music they specifically want to listen to while surfing your site...I believe you can pre-set it so its open to music reflective of your sites theme... I'll look into this for you too.
Steve Baric
Lisa Simpkins

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Re: OK I am looking for audio CD'S
1/19/2007 10:34:21 AM

Hi Kathy,

Iam sorry all I know is Audio/Video I will keep a eye out though and if I come across with anything I will be happy to send them to you.

Have a great day!

                                        GOD BLESS

Kathy Hamilton

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Re: OK I am looking for audio CD'S
1/19/2007 12:48:03 PM
Hello Steve,
Thank you, We are looking to buy the products or offering a spot on our website ,you know people helping people, We do not want to use it we want to get involved with someone who has it.
There is a women here that showed me her sight that had it on but I lost her email so I am hoping to find her again.
We want partnerships with people and there businesses that fit our theme.
Thank you though.
Kathy Hamilton/

I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Kathy Hamilton

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Re: OK I am looking for audio CD'S
1/19/2007 12:51:04 PM
Hello Steve,
I will have Aaron get ahold of you to explain what we are doing and what we are looking for.
You can help if you want since I already know your qualifications.your on top!!!!
Kathy Hamilton/

Steve on your 15 daily site- How do I use a credit card to upgrade and not have to use paypal?????Kathy

I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking