I don't know if I am just not good at getting signups or what I do wrong but I have lost money in a couple of different programs because I wasn't able to get people to sign up under me...to create a list as they say. Well this is what has changed....... A good friend of mine who is an international marketer has started a new advertising program that will not cost you anything. Here is how it will work: You join at no cost and just bring in 3 friends who pay nothing as well. It is a 3 x 8 matrix that will fill up in no time. Then we will all move into one program. Once we move into the program we will have a small monthly cost of $25 for the international advertising that we will do to continue to grow our team. As this grows we may discontinue charging for advertising. With this theory you will instantly be able to start making money when the entire team gets involved. This should be a really exciting concept that can get you started making good money in 2007. Here is the website: www.y2bwithme.com/lranches Just bring in 3 and help them bring in 3 for no cost. It is that simple, so get on the team as quickly as possible. We are filling up fast. You do get free leads in the website that you can call or send emails to get enrollments. I have never seen a program of this nature where you can join for free and get leads too! We have a conference call on Tues Wed and Thurs nights at 7 and 11 PM eastern. 646-519-5800 pin 6798# Get all the details here. Get your people on these calls too! Take Care, Leslie Smith