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Tim Southernwood

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[EMC Warning] : do not make this mistake...
1/18/2007 3:22:26 PM

Hi Everyone,

I just got this e-mail and thought if you were looking at a new product just out called "Co-Registration", that you might want to read this first. Jean-Philippe makes some interesting points, and has given me permission to repost his mail here.


Dear Tim,

I think you will receive a LOT of promo offer concerning
pipeline something...Everyone and his (her) brother will
simply promote it because there's a lot of money to make...
by promoting it.

Of course, no one of those who promote it has ever made money
with this system. But they still found it's something that works
just by seeing the fat commission they will receive (around $1000
per sale).

This program is about co-registration lead...and it's simply
the most effective way to loose all your money when you're
not a professional marketer. As you probably know, I have
worked as a business consultant, mainly off-line during the last
10 years.

When you work for Pepsi, or any other big company on a local scale
(Europe for example), when you are planning a big event,
or a big product launch, or a big communication campaign launch,
for that kind of international company, then you use co-registration

I could easily give you the name of the best services that deliver
co-registration services, and you would not have to pay $2000
just to get those names (as it is the value proposition of
this highly promoted program). But I won't do it, as it
would simply be useless to most of you. To be effecitve, you
need a STRONG system (front office, back office, product line,
managers) and a STRONG experience.

There's no need to go deeper into this. These are tools that are
not made for small internet businesses and 99.99% using this will
simply loose a lot of money. The offline world is really great, as
you have access to really amazing services, but most of the time,
they are scaled for large companies.

I don't know the guys launching this program. What I know is that,
those who are able to make money with coregistration do not
need this program anyway :-). And, to make it simple, those
who don't know what it is, MUST simply stay away, as
you might take big risks (above the $2000 of this program).

What a funny (virutal) world?! It says a lot on the skills
and competencies of these so-called gurus who have no idea
of what they're talking about.

Have a nice day

Jean-Philippe Schoeffel


Tim Southernwood/Get eH² Packs!/BlogNet Awards We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit - Aristotle
Diane Bjorling

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Re: [EMC Warning] : do not make this mistake...
1/18/2007 3:42:01 PM

Thank for the warning..would you believe was just checking my email..kind of doing things late today and a lot of the heavy hitters (Gurus) are promoting this..good thing I know how to press delete..just goes to show your research before joining any program..aint that the truth!

Best regards Diane

Scott Obrien

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Re: [EMC Warning] : do not make this mistake...
1/18/2007 3:57:09 PM

Thanks so much for sharing this info. I listened to many phones calls and got several emails about this new program and when I saw the price when they launched today... I nearly fainted! LOL

I kept thinking no, but in the back of my head said I wonder if it does work. I have no idea what coreg is and I'm sure there is no way I can make any money with it at this time. I just got an email that they blew the payment proccessor up because of so many sign-ups. Boy... that's a lot of money I bet!

Thanks, I appreciate the honest opinion and I'm glad I was able to get this email before I talked myself into trying it out.

Kris @('0')@

Looking for Leaders to earn $100K in 15 months! Plus a New Car and 4 Luxury Vacations per Year! No Experience Necessary... We will train You & Your Team. Are You ready to Live the Dream? Vite: Today!
Re: [EMC Warning] : do not make this mistake...
1/18/2007 4:37:49 PM

One easy payment of $1,897. Easy for who I wonder? Sadly , someone will fall for this.

Larry Blethen

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Re: [EMC Warning] : do not make this mistake...
1/18/2007 4:37:53 PM
hello Tim...thanks for the heads up....Larry
Larry Blethen, 304-369-5603