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Steven Suchar

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Re: It's Time For AdlandPro's 78th Person Of The Week Award!!!
1/16/2007 10:56:43 AM
Hi Michael!
Congratulations Mr POTW!!
Enjoy YOUR week...
Place a FREE ad here
Have a pleasant day...
Your friend Steven
Natalya Restivo

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Re: It's Time For AdlandPro's 78th Person Of The Week Award!!!
1/16/2007 11:12:23 AM

Hi Sanchez,

Thank you for your job!

Michael, congratulations!

Thank you for sharing your story with us. You have a generous heart!

Happy, Healthy, Wealthy Life With NEWAYS



Len Berghoef

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Re: It's Time For AdlandPro's 78th Person Of The Week Award!!!
1/16/2007 12:07:42 PM

Hello Michael,

On winning POTW!
Enjoyed reading your bio! 
Enjoy Your week !   


Start a 2nd income and get out of debt!
Michael Caron

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Re: It's Time For AdlandPro's 78th Person Of The Week Award!!!
1/16/2007 12:52:01 PM

 Walking Garbage CanThank you everybody,

  I appreciate the responses I have been getting and the new invitations that I have received.  Humor helps relieve a lot of preasure but what lesson I learned in life is that if you joke about yourself or your shortcomings that may be all right, however if you make the same joke to a person with those errors in their being you suddenly notice the pains of embarrisments.  That is why you may find at times that I justify my jokes.  Take my face for instance, please do.  I've been carrying around long enough. 

  When I switch to a serious subject, I try my very best to give everyone a chance to share their opinions.  I feel that Life does exist on other planets judging by the way that life has survived on our own planet.  Our atmosphere contains 136 toxic gasses and chemicals all deadly to humans, yet we exists.  Life has a unique way of adjusting to all climates and conditions.  Evolutionary developments caused the sea creatures to grow legs or wings and develop the ability to fly while other land-locked creatures that were forced into the seas developed fins and gills to survive beneath the seas.  Life in itself is a Fascinating and intriquing study of miracle after miracle transforming right before our eyes. 

  So, yes, there are many realms that intrique me because no matter how much knowledge each of us gains in a Lifetime there is so much more to learn.  Enjoy the world in which you live, and explore that world.  If the dirt beneath your feet looks brown, scoop some up and examine it more closely.  In one handful of dirt you may discover an earthworm reddish in color, a Beetle, caramel hued,  

Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.
Dave Cottrell

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Re: It's Time For AdlandPro's 78th Person Of The Week Award!!!
1/16/2007 1:49:19 PM
Hi Michael, Congratulations! It is a great pleasure to see you featured here. May God continue to richly bless you and teach you. Dave

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