Hi Friends,
Have often sailed from England to France and the Continent.
Before you start you must make a plan and calculate:
• Day of travel, Starting time and estimated Finish time.
• Use help of tide tables, wind and storm forecasts.
• Check the yacht for provisions, fuel
• Check you have the up to date navigation charts.
• Check your safety equipment.
• Check the Yachts Sailing equipment.
• Check navigation equipment.
• Check Yacht has no defects.
• Organise you have enough crew for trip.
• Plan crew watches.
• Fill out the ships log
• On departure contact the Coast Guard.
• If there is no wind you are becalmed.
"If one does not know to which port one is sailing,
the ship will drift and possibly flounder or fail.
As in business for success you must have a written plan.
“No one plans to fail, they only fail to plan.”
As in life you must have a plan and write it down
or if you don’t you are going nowhere fast.
You can see the waves you are going to climb.
You can see the star which you are travelling,
and know where you are going,
you are pointed in the right direction.
Now all you have to do is to follow your plan
as exactly as written and you will be very successful.
Each day ask yourself this Question,
“What are the six important steps
I must take today to reach my goal.”
What’s not completed today,
will go to the top of tomorrow’s
“Six most important priorities list.”
Repeat this process day after day
until you achieve your goal.
Sail by planning directly to your Goal
Wishing you have a successful trip.
Bryan Webb – United Kingdom
EARN and LEARN at:
"How would you feel if you knew for
sure that you were entering the most
successful time of your life?"