I am mostly a peace keeper. Often, I will agree to disagree. I would have to say that on the odd ocassion when I am in a suituation where something I feel is very wrong happens, I will say excuse me please, may I express my opinion here and I will make a statement as to why I believe, what has happened is not right and how it effects me and effects others. Sometimes we have to stand up for what we believe in when it comes to moral , sexual, violent and other situations which may lead to people being emotionally and/ of physically hurt and this also includes animals and other creatures. If I come into situations where the is a lot of bitterness, EGO and so forth where this be online or in the real world, wherever I can, I will back away from the situation and not become involved. If somebody who I respect and know both online and in the real world is subject to attacks by people full of bitterness and / or EGO, then I certainly will make a stand to defend that person, if asked to do so.. I believe we have to analize the situations that come to us in life, not make hasty judgements and look at the Big Picture and then work out what the options are to follow.