Hello My friends, Aaron Martirano and myself Kathy Hamilton have been very busy Working and helping others around the internet world. As many know we are now referred to and by as the Angels of the internet. We continuously help everyone in need. AS many know Aaron and myself are going to start up a non-profit organization and help raise money for certain charities. To be fair to our friends we would like a list of the charities our friends are involved in and we are willing to go through to see if your organizations that you care about fit our theme.
We are focusing on Domestic Violence so if any one knows of a good organization that deals in that area please step forward.
That is one area I am focusing on highly as I am a survivor of Domestic violence along with my kids. also we are looking for a organization to do with Animal cruelity which my x had our dog put to sleep which hurt us deeply. So please submit to myself in this forum or privately to either Aaron or myself. We care what organizations interest you. Thanks for your support. Aaron and Kathy