Hello Sharon. AGLOCO is very close to launch. I just received information on their payment options. There is a option available for most payment processors.
I've got my AGLOCO rotator in high gear now. The stats are showing over a 1000 hits.
I urge everyone to visti my forum at:
Give me your AGLOCO I.D.# and I will place it in the rotator.
You will be able to see our stats and also copy the rotator link if you wish to place it in one of your traffic exchanges.
The key to AGLOCO is to grow the community. The more members, the better.
I don't see any reason why everyone shouldn't have a significant downline ahead of the lauch.
AGLOCO is FREE and will remain FREE.
Visit my forum and post your link. You have nothing to loose and much to gain.
Hope this helps.
Lloyd Cope