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Richard Mathiason

1539 Posts
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Re: Is anyone able to reply to my thread
1/25/2007 6:59:22 AM


I just happened upon your forum, Chrissy. I look forward to our joint venture together. 2007 is looking like it is going to be great!

All The Best!

Richard Mathiason

Think It, Ink It, Expect It, Act on It, Accept It, Be Grateful for It, Let Go and Let God!


Re Joint venture
1/25/2007 8:07:08 PM
Hi Richard, Just wanted to let you know l have received your emails re jv and l will be taking a good look at what you have sent me over this week end. Thankyou for your kind support. Have a wonderful week end. Chrissy Malm
AGEL - LIVE YOUR DREAMS! Explore the Pefect Home based business with Agel Enterprises-Create a legacy position!
Richard Mathiason

1539 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Re: Re Joint venture
1/30/2007 3:11:44 PM

Your Welcome! If I can answer any questions, please let me know. If there are certain audio books that you do not want shown I can redo the pages.

All The Best!

Richard Mathiason

Think It, Ink It, Expect It, Act on It, Accept It, Be Grateful for It, Let Go and Let God!


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