Cor: 15:35 says, "Thou fool, don't you know that a seed does not quicken lest it first dies?
You have a very good outlook on the loss of your father, and of course you will grive, have thoughts of calling him or going to see him, only to realize that it is no longer possible to do this in the physical state.
But we that believe know that in the spirtual we can do this.
Something that many people never come to the realization of is the fact that two seeds had to be formed in order for our lives to exists. One in the fathers loins, and the other in the mothers womb.
Out of the millions that are in the father's loins, only 1 enters the egg of the mother and dies. Then the process of life begins.
When we are born into this world we a seed in the state of germanation and one day this seed will die, to be born into the spirtual realm.
You have been blessed, because you know that your father took the steps to assure that he will have a place with our Lord.
I on the other hand, had to watch my father die knowing that he never took those steps to assure where he would spend enternity.