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Flag of Danny Mills

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Re: Can I ask WHY you JOINED THAT?
1/10/2007 1:39:41 PM

I dont do the lottery but it felt like I hit the lottery when I found a great opportunity that works.

I signed up 16 downline faster then I could have imagined. Now those 16 will each give me two sign ups each for a total of 32 and the 32 will give me 2 each for a total of 64 and on and on it goes and grows never ending. The whole system has now become totally automatic and make me money without any effort from me. That's success to me.

Every time some one joins via my efforts or my downlines efforts I make money and it never stops.

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Flag of Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: Can I ask WHY you JOINED THAT?
1/10/2007 4:26:03 PM

In 2-up programs there are a small percentage of big earners and a huge percentage of people who earn nothing.


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Flag of Linda Harvey

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mmm mmm mmm Buffalo, beef, turkey Jerky
1/11/2007 12:13:36 AM
Why I joined Jerky Direct! I love the products! Save money on wholesale prices, jerky delivered to my door with free shipping! And a great little business! You get a check to your door every month from the first retail sale, wholesale or recruit in your downline. No charge for the check or mailing it to you! With this one we get to eat the delicious products and make money. Simple! GREAT! Healthy, hormone free buffalo, beef, turkey Jerky. Low carb, low fat, low cholesterol, low sodium. And new dried fruit jerky, oil rich supplements! mmm mmm mmm ! You no longer have to chase yours down. Rocky Mountain Land and Cattle deliver it to your door! We are gathering our Adlandpro friends for success in 2007! Linda TeamLeader/Guardian
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Flag of Neil Reinhardt

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Re: mmm mmm mmm Buffalo, beef, turkey Jerky
1/11/2007 2:25:22 AM
Hi Kathleen, I joined the Beef Jerky because Linda H benefactored Carol into the program. So I joined to help Carol AND because it is A VERY SIMPLE, INEXPENSIVE and I get to eat great jerky as well. Over NINE years ago, I joined Tahitian Noni International (It was not called that then) for a very simple reason, There has NEVER been, IS NOT now and MAY NEVER BE a better product than Tahitian Noni Juice! There is NO product which is even in the same solar system much less in the same world as it is. And I KNOW that to be a fact as I have been Drinking it, using it topically, researching & learning about it for OVER NINE YEARS! As an Agnostic Atheist Activist, I do NOT call anything a miracle lightly. In fact it is a miracle I call Tahitian Noni Juice one ONLY that is WHAT IT IS! IT IS, A NATURAL HEALING MIRACLE! And it's PROVEN by the FACTS: 1. The RAW NONI has been very effectively used for OVER 5,000 years! FIVE THOUSAND YEARS!!! 2. TNJ sells so well & so fast, the company became (and still is) the SINGLE FASTEST GROWING AND MOST SUCCESSFUL NETWORK MARKETING CO. IN THE HISTORY OR THE WORLD! 3. It took Microsoft (ever hear of them?) EIGHT years to reach ONE Billion Dollars in sales. It ONLY took TNJ LESS than SEVEN years to reach TWO Billion $$ in sales! And they reached THREE BILLION dollars in sales in LESS than NINE years! Anywho, I joined the company for the product and it has done so much for me and is so great, it still AMAZES me! And last, the ONLY reason I have NOT joined your lotto company is I just cannot afford to do so. Of course, were I worth a damn at mlm, (only I could not be telling people I'm an Atheist or pointing others errors in facts and logic) I would be, as are all four of those directly above me earning a LOT of money with TNJ. Thanks! Neil
This Grumpy Old Son Of A Beach says: For a simple, inexpensive, and great tasting, way to earn money, click here: ----------------------- -------------------- And for a progam which is better than most mlm's I know of
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Flag of Linda Harvey

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Re: mmm mmm mmm Buffalo, beef, turkey Jerky
1/11/2007 2:30:43 AM
Thank you Neil, yes we have a fundraiser going for Carol Hall, single mom with 2 kids: We have a nice Team building under her this week ! Come join us! Linda TeamLeader/Guardian
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