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Lisa Lomas

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Re: July 4th - Special Day for ME!
6/24/2005 6:05:04 PM
Hello Kenneth, You are so kind. Here it is your birthday & you do this. Have a happy day my friend and may all your wishes come true. Lisa
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Re: July 4th - Special Day for ME!
6/24/2005 8:10:22 PM
Happy Birthday!! and many more. Congrats!
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Re: July 4th - Special Day for ME!
6/24/2005 8:18:31 PM
Kenneth, Happy BDay and I am already a silver member at MT -- and well worth it. Thanks
Earl Landry

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Andrew Anderson

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Re: July 4th - Special Day for ME!
6/24/2005 9:47:27 PM
Wow Kenneth, Happy birthdy to Kenneth and All our AdLand friends. Mega Traffic is great, the related forum you created is wonderfull and your team is doing very well. Mega Traffic is a top notch investment of your advertising dollar. As friends of Kenneth you know by now that his hard work and dedication, as well as his commitiment to you, me and Joe from Kokamo off the street just joined today guy, is well worth taking a look. Who of your AdLand friends, do you know that would be better to place trust in? Kenneth, best to ya bro and good luck on the recruiting drive see you at mega traffic. Andy Zeus Anderson treating people like people since 1974.
Marilyn L Martin

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Re: July 4th - Special Day for ME!
6/24/2005 9:49:34 PM
HI Kenneth, Thanks for the invite. "Happy Birthday" early to you! What a great offer, I wish I could take you up on it, bu since I am already Silver member I lose! LOL Anyway, that is a very generous offer! Good luck to you, and I hope you get many new members! Marilyn L. Ali
Marilyn L Martin
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