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Shailesh Parkar

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Re: Share Your Business Opportunity Here Today!
10/29/2008 6:47:38 AM

Subject: How to increase your income

Here's an interesting article we've found that we think will interest you:

"Not so long ago I was making $400 a week. I was drowning in debt.
I was stressed. I was terrified to go to the mailbox every morning and
see the amount of bills I had received. The last months, I simply piled
them up in a closet, without even opening them, because I knew I just
couldn't pay them anyway.

I NEEDED MONEY. So I went online to find a way to make money.

It was easier than I thought it would be. ...

In weeks all my debts were paid.

I started making 1000's per week.

I wrote this 5-page article for you:

You'll see it makes so much sense. It's easy to do.

You can start making money right away after these 5 pages.

It takes around 15 MINUTES A DAY, and that's it!

Down to earth, fair and honest material. It works.

The article:

Re: Share Your Business Opportunity Here Today!
2/7/2009 6:57:28 AM

May I invite you to join The Private Millionaire Organization?


The Private Millionaire Organization is set up to provide a huge legitimate income to all who join by using a time-proven form of commercial capitalism.

Although the principle concept is unknown to the vast majority of people, the core secrets have been carefully preserved and passed on to each succeeding business generation by a few “elder statesmen” of commerce.


This unique method of rapidly multiplying any size of investment has always been successful, but never surfaced to the view of the general public since over-use would reduce its power.


Why do you think a few people are so rich and most people are so poor?


Click here to learn more.

I am sure you will enjoy reading the pages.





James Wright

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RE: Share Your Business Opportunity Here Today!
12/22/2010 6:23:27 AM

Hello, Stop hunting for gold... I'm giving you keys to the Facebook Vault and you'll be in the driver's seat and winning, GUARANTEED.

FaceBizPro is an app allowing anyone to receive as many visitors ready and willing to open their wallets as you'd ever want or need on Facebook. The app allows you to personalize your page with videos and graphics, making you stand out in the crowd. We're anticipating millions around the globe to join this exploding nitrous market. Pre-Recorded Conference Call listen in for details!

Kirt Ray

3 Posts
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RE: Share Your Business Opportunity Here Today!
12/25/2010 12:11:34 AM

hi, what i want to share with everyone is a wonderful and awesome opportunity, this opportunity is soo easy to do, no overhead,no inventory to carry like most of comapnies, work at yr own pace no pressure, and very easy qualifications. check out my website abt this wonderful and healthy opportunity this is a genuine opportunty u can make as much money u want or little as u want, but why wouldn't people want to succeed for their american dreams, u owe it not only for yrself but also yr family financial future.

thank u very much and enjoy the info abt this opportunity

kirt ray

James Wright

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RE: Share Your Business Opportunity Here Today!
12/25/2010 1:36:52 AM
Hi Kirt, welcome to the Adland Community. I hope you will find your way around ok, and have a Merry Christmas!

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