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Link Says [Send Me A Messege] NOT [Send Me An AD] ...
1/8/2007 5:26:23 AM
Technology has given us many useful tools for many uses. They can be used well or abused. This is the human choice.

When I see the [Send Me A Messege] above someone's profile I would only use it just for that; to send a messege. Would I send an ad? HELL NO!

That little link doesn't say that person opted in to recieve a solicitation from me and I am not about to SPAM someone. We have free ads available here, banner ads, text ads, PPC ads, even forums set up to advertise in.

So why is the one sanctuary of communiction being abused here? Bad ethics of business or the person doesn't know better. I will say the first for most.

Learn to use the tools properly and you'll succeed at what you want to accomplish.

Kenneth R Sword Jr

Re: Link Says [Send Me A Messege] NOT [Send Me An AD] ...
1/8/2007 5:46:59 AM

Can I get an AMEN? My email is bombarded! I have to clean it out at least 5 times a day in order to be able to locate anything that I may really need! In fact, I am thinking about opting out of the email altogether because of it. I just hate to do that because there are times I like to know that I have a new message or reply on a specific forum. I guess I'll have to take the bad with the good no matter which one I decide to do. Thanks for posting this, Kenneth! Great point!


Chuck Bartok

258 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Re: Link Says [Send Me A Messege] NOT [Send Me An AD] ...
1/8/2007 5:59:15 AM


Another great start.
You are rising to the level Great Moderator and Good News Merchant.

On our Talk Show we challenged everyone to "send a message" , CALL OR VISIT, at least 5 Friends from the past, and not say a word about ourselves..

Here at Adland we have Friends?

How many times have we  just "sent a message" to say hello, how are you, what can I do to help?

The new marketing paradigm for 2007 & beyond.......taken from Joe Schroeder's 200 pages of THE ROADMAP to Success, The Warrior's Nest........"As a matter of Fact, it's not even about you anymore..It's about what you can do for Others and how well you can attract and manage your own Network of people. The guy who said (Dale Calvert), ""build other people and the people will build your business"" was right. So Right!

One axiom about business that never changes. People will do more busines with people they know, rather than with strangers. Why did Sam Walton put a greeter in every Store?

In forming our Master Mind we need to announce what we are willing to contribute, not what we can take.

Here is a PDF all may find interesting on the New Shift in Marketing.


Chuck & Shirley Bartok Northern California 530-798-0245
Re: Link Says [Send Me A Messege] NOT [Send Me An AD] ...
1/8/2007 6:12:17 AM

Point well taken Kenneth:

If you felt anything orginationg from our site, was abusive, please let me know.

James A. "Jim" Holish


Opportunities Now Internet Marketing Services, LLC

Your online friend, Opportunities Now Internet Marketing Services,LLC James A. "Jim" Holish
Re: Link Says [Send Me A Messege] NOT [Send Me An AD] ...
1/8/2007 7:06:25 AM
Amen to that Ken.I also get bombarded with ads along with a friend request.Like someone invites you to there friend list with a page ad attached to it. Wishing you the best Steven Wilson

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