Hi Friends,
If a person who does not make mistakes has not yet been born.
Sometimes you win sometimes you lose, but by your
experience of losing and not making the same mistake twice,
you will win more than you lose.
John Wanamaker wrote:
“ Nothing comes merely by thinking about it.”
Millionaires are not afraid to fail, should they fail they take it
in their stride, then get into action again and succeed.
Vauvenaegues wrote:
“Action makes more fortune than caution.”
Dr William.J.Reilly wrote:
“ The person who makes no mistakes is the person who does
nothing and that is the greatest mistake of all.”
William Milnes JR wrote:
“You are on the road to success when you realise that failure
is merely a detour.”
Elburt Hubbard’s quote:
“There is no failure except in no longer trying.”
“A great poem to learn by Harvey Scott:”
I saw the old thief. Father Time,
Come hirpling down the road;
He had a sack on his back,
Lost minutes were his load.
He opened it and showed to me
Not minutes, but a host
Of years, decades, a century
Or more of minutes lost.
“ I want to buy a year,” I said
“ And I shall pay you well.”
“If this earth’s mould were finest gold,
To you I would not sell,
For I have minutes stolen from Kings,
From Milton, Shakespeare, Bach,
How could you buy such precious things,
Your common gold is trash.”
He tied his sack and said,
“Farewell young man, I’ve have got my fee.”
For while I tried to make him sell,
He stole an hour from me!
I was told once by a great marketer:
"There are 3 kinds of people in the world:
• Those that MAKE THINGS HAPPEN...
• Those that WATCH Things Happen...
• and Those that SAY "What Happened?"
Make it Happen!!!
Try always to put more into your life than you expect to get out of
it, smile laugh make it fun and be happy, plan today for your future.
Bryan Webb – United Kingdom
EARN and LEARN at:
"How would you feel if you knew for
sure that you were entering the most
successful time of your life?"