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Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: Jerky Direct Teamwork welcomes a new member
7/23/2007 2:57:05 PM

Congratulations BJ on your new sponsor and
team-mate Gary Fowler.

I would like to warmly welcome Gary to our team

Gary Fowler

Gary, your upline Geneology:

You are in (BJ) Brenda Burgess team
(brendaburgess) who is in Jo Matthias
(jomatthiasteam) who is in Thomas Richmond (ThomasRichmondsTeam) who is in Carla Cash (CarlaCsTeam) who is in LaNell (lanellsteam) who
is in
Sharon Lee (JerkyHill) is in Amanda Martin-Shaver (power3) who is in Tim Sullivan
(Tar Heel) who is in Linda Harvey (SweetProfits)


Team Leader
Thomas Richmond

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Re: Jerky Direct Teamwork welcomes a new member
7/23/2007 3:35:26 PM
CONGRATULATIONS BRENDA BURGESS a New reqrute who is in your downline who is in JO MATTIAS Team!

Jo Matthias (jomatthiasteam)

   1Brenda Burgess (brendaburgess)
 2Gabrielle Brothers (gaber46) 3 Gary Fowler (Gary) new
WTG Team Mates!  Welcome Gary Fowler. Enjoy your Jerky!!
AT YOUR SERVICE. Drop A Line With The Pros!! Chief Administrator & Support
Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Jerky Direct Team Training and Commission Explanation
7/24/2007 8:56:01 AM
Dear Team-mates,
Please feel free to copy and paste into your own
forum threads.

Many of you now have downlines and are now Team Leaders so this thread is to help you understand the payplan of Basic Commissions and how to achive
the higher Enhanced commssions.

When you joined Jerky Direct with your $12.00 per month autoship you are in the BASIC payplan

All autoshipments and enhanced products carry commissions that are paid out 7 levels.
paid on ALL wholesale sales generated on your first level beyond the $12.00 monthly commitment purchases (based on your level of participation!)
paid on ALL retail sales generated at your web site store front.

What does this mean?

BASIC autoship of $12 per month you receive on these downline levels:
Level 1 $2.00
Level 2 $0.25
Level 3 $0.25
Level 4 $1.00
Level 5 $0.25
Level 6 $0.25
Level 7 $1.00

Should any of your downline buy in or sell more in ANY month and you have not ordered more in the same month, you miss out on their sales and extra commissions and actually leaving money on the table.

To take advantage of your downlines who are buying or selling extra, do check on your back office and seriously consider ordering more product to bring you up to the $21.00 minimum e.g. two sets of jerky instead of your normal 1 set...
This will earn you ENHANCED commissions whereby you will earn on everyone in your downline who orders or sells more during the same month.

Our Team of JD Radiance, is a whole new campaign, we are promoting the Skin Care line and the Oil Rich Supplements.
Ordering or selling these products lines automatically puts you in the ENHANCED commission catagory

This business will appeal to a whole new line of people e.g. women who like natural ingredient skin care and health consciencous people who like their vitamins and minerals.

We would like for New members in the JD Radiance Team to autoship the Skin care and suppliments for enhance commissions if at all possible, because we do not want you to miss out on extra commissions that are due to you, however if you cannot afford or If you want just the Jerky snacks,that is fine also as we cannot
tell you how to run your business, only advise you.

These two lines are a little more expensive to buy and they are placed into the 'enhanced' commissions where members are paid more for buying and selling these two product lines.

If you are already a distributor for Jerky Direct you maybe wondering Which Business to Promote?:

We need to be thinking about targeting two different types of clientelle and audience and finding out which program new members would fit into better.

Jerky Direct for jerky meat snacks and fruit stix or JD Reliance if they are looking for natural ingredient skin care toxin free or Supplement line . - Let's try and give them what they want.

Benefits of Omega Radiance skin care audio is in your back office: or you Listen here:

I hope this has helped you to understand the Compensation Plan easier

Kind regards

Team Leader
Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Jerky Direct Team welcomes a new member
7/25/2007 9:25:26 AM

Congratulations Todd McBride on your new recruit

Julia McBride, I wish you a very warm welcome to the

Julia McBride 

Your upline Geneology is

You are in Todd McBride Team (toddm) who is in
Leslie Combs (ladylibby) who is in Sharon Lee (Jerky
Hill) who is Amanda Martin-Shaver (power3) who is
in Tim Sullivan (Tar Heel) who is in Linda Harvey


Team Leader
Katheryn Haigler

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Re: Jerky Direct Team welcomes a new member
7/25/2007 9:58:51 AM
    WoooooHoooo!  Welcome Julia!!!  You are going to love Jerky Direct.


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