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Re: Agloco Anomalies - what's going on here?
1/6/2007 3:53:08 PM

At least this one didn't get any of my money...unlike that 12 day thingiee, I kept saying NO to joining it , finally someone I thought knew what they were doing convinced me to get in, I put $300.00 in and if I'am lieing I'am dieing, the next day they went under, and of course I never received any of the $300. much less any of the profits.

Joseph in FL

Joseph Handlon - 941-764-0004 HIR "WARNING: Exposure to the SON may prevent burning" Spiritual: Business:
Neil Reinhardt

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Re: Agloco Anomalies - what's going on here?
1/6/2007 5:50:19 PM
Hi Dave, THANKS again for doing all the reseach you do. For some reason, there was some- thing about this one which did not interest me in even looking in to it other than reading the forums on it I got. For a simple inexpensive and time proven one, I will stick with the Beef Jerky one I reacently joined to help one of our fellow Adland members. And, of course, I would never turn down someone joining through my link. And were I not a total klutz at mlm (in spite of years of experience and tons of knowledge) I would put a lot of effort in the one I have been in for over 9 years. I LOVE their product, KNOW (since all four directly above me are and have been of years) it is possible to earn GREAT money in AND since it is the fastest growing & the most successful mlm in history, I know it is the right company to do it in. Only as I said, mlm (which I do think is great) and I are not cut out for each other. So I will just bug people instead. Please, Take Care! Neil "A Grumpy Old Son Of A Beach!" the are
This Grumpy Old Son Of A Beach says: For a simple, inexpensive, and great tasting, way to earn money, click here: ----------------------- -------------------- And for a progam which is better than most mlm's I know of
Re: Agloco Anomalies - what's going on here?
1/6/2007 6:05:11 PM
Hi Dave :) and Happy New Year to You!
Thank you for sharing this info on Agloco.  Keep up the great work you are doing!
Dave Cottrell

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Re: Agloco Anomalies - what's going on here?
1/7/2007 3:10:21 AM
Hi everyone, Thank you all for your comments and support. It makes it worth doing the digging! Also, I would especially like to thank Kenneth Sword, who , I believe, first "blew the whistle," so to speak, and Joe Buccheri, another "master digger." Thank you for the information on Trademarks, Joe. That's good to know. Neil, from what I've heard, Jerky Direct is one excellent company with a great product and a very low start-up cost. It's a pity it's only available in the USA! Perhaps when our two countries get their ridiculous mad cow fiasco sorted out we'll be able to get it here, too! BTW, Neil, don't sell yourself short. Jerky Direct may be the niche you've been looking for! God bless, Dave
Re: Agloco Anomalies - what's going on here?
1/24/2007 5:33:27 PM

Thanks, Dave.  There's so much "stuff" on the net, and without knowledge it's too easy for people to make the wrong choices.



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