Hi Tim,
Yes...those nitty gitty reasons to change. I have just gone through the most toughest, challenging experience in my life. The last 6 months ...oh boy.
It all started with the break up off my relationship with my partner of 6 years. 1 week after we broke up I had a car accident and he found someone else in the same week. I could not walk for 2 months, it was absolute and sheer devastation. All the tears, confusion and feelings of hopeless and thinking will i pull through all these difficult challenges was absolutely torture.
My ex-partner kept in contact with me but was never around emotionally or when I just needed a shoulder to cry on. He has told me that he wants us to get back together. But on xmas day I found out that he is living with his new girlfriend and they have been together for 6 months. At that moment i think i turned from being a pleasant, caring lady into buffy the vampire slayer.
The last time I spoke with him was 48hrs ago. He is telling me that what I was told was a lie but since then I found out that he is the one who has been lying and deceiving me.
It's funny you know that now when I think off the time we spent together, I begin to wonder whether everything was a lie and i was just mislead for 6 years.
It's in the bin for me. I wish him all the happiness. But what I have learned is obedience. The reason why I say this is because he treated me badly...but now i have learned that I allowed it all.
I am single, happy, walking, transformed in character , currently having hydrotherapy treatment for my back and moving on. All I can say is Praise the Lord for he is my strength and he has never let me down.
Slavica Trudinger