Hi Kenneth,
I just did a little looking around at Agloco, and here's what I found.
Partners (copied from their site)
"AGLOCO™ is working with a number of different companies for search, advertising, commerce and other revenue opportunities on the Viewbar™ and the AGLOCO™ website.
Contact us at partners@AGLOCO.com to learn more about ways to partner with AGLOCO™
Please include the nature of your business so the proper industry specialist can get in touch with you."
So far, no partners listed. Does this mean they have no partners, yet (ie - no way to generate income) or is it still a secret.
Potential Income (Member Calculator)
If you personally sponsor 500 members who each sponsor 1 member and you all use the viewbar for 5 hours per month, you might earn as much as $3130 per month. If you have ANY experience in sponsoring and building an organization, you'll already know that in order to get just to this level of income, YOU will have to do most of the work, and most of your downline will never sponsor anyone. Furthermore, most of your downline will never even download the viewbar. Of those who do, most will never use it.
I would have to call this a reality check. So far, there's no viewbar, no partners, an impossible compensation plan, and plenty of hype. This idea isn't new, and it has never succeeded to date.
I would also be very interested in seeing the proof if anyone can provide it, that they have actually Trademarked the word Viewbar as well as their name, Agloco. Does that mean all the other companies that have used the generic word, Viewbar, can no longer use it?
Some may call me a bit of a wet blanket, but I would suggest that it's just that I've been around the block a few times!
God bless,