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Re: How People Learn- Part 1
1/4/2007 5:33:57 AM


In your signature, I notice "Retired teachers still have Class."  I like the pun.

I am a tactile person. People show me, tell me; -I don't understand. I need a diagram. That is what I do with others too without realising that they could be visual or auditory groups.  Mary, thanks for your forum.


Re: How People Learn- Part 1
1/4/2007 5:48:33 AM

Thanks Mary that was great reading, now I know why some people don't like taking directions from me.

Warm hugs Elizabeth

EA Gough
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Re: How People Learn- Part 1
1/4/2007 2:54:01 PM
You have great teaching skills Mary. You are right thse are very true elements to learning. I look forward to many more lessons from you.
Keep em coming
Kathy C
Re: How People Learn- Part 1
1/6/2007 6:16:06 PM

I have often heard that when a person is reading and want to recall what they are reading, that it is good to pictures in your mind's eye, what is being read.

When I stop to ask for directions, I listen first, and then picture in my mind's eye where it is I am supposed to be going. So, I would  say that I use both auditory and visual to learn.

Now, that I am older, I have to hear something  over and over again, in order for it to stick.

When I was younger, I recall all the phone numbers I used to be able to remember.  I still like to learn, but it seems that I am learning a bit slower, than when I was younger. When we stop learning, we stop growing.



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Re: How People Learn- Part 1
1/6/2007 7:35:42 PM
Lisa, There you go!!! You identified your method of learning. Now you know why some people just understand when you use a diagram or written notice.....they are tactile or auditory. I am proud that you caught on here. By the way you know you are from Michigan if you can use your left hand to show where you were born!!

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