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Re: How People Learn- Part 1
1/2/2007 11:40:28 PM
Amanda, No not senses as there are more of those: taste,smell, sight, sound, touch. These are 3 methods by which we best retain memory of what we learned. So which do you think is the dominate one for you?
Flag of Geketa Holman

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Re: How People Learn- Part 1
1/3/2007 12:45:16 AM

Hi Mary ,

I throughly enjoyed your very simple explanation of how we learn.

I was introduced to a the different learning styles by a book  back in 1998.The book's name is ,The Way They Learn by Cynthia Ulrich Tobias. It is remarkable explanation of each of the different styles of learning.

I have home schooled all my children with the exception of the oldest girl. Understaning the different styles has helped me become a much better teacher. My only regret is the book did not come out earlier and I would have been saved all those mistakes.

Having as many children as I do has been a difficult challenge in itself; while each one has his or hers own learning style. I am not sure who has learned more me or them :)




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Re: How People Learn- Part 1
1/3/2007 1:36:49 AM

Hi Mary,

Such useful information about people.

As youwill probably know, these personal qualities are what we ask questions and make observations about initialy in Neuro Linguistic Programming.

We work on the basis that ''The map is not the territory'' but if we can learn at least what somebody sees on their map andexperience in their territory then we can get closer to that individual.

If I were a sight orientated person trying to sell a car to a touchy-feely person then I would need to know, as I could spend all day SHOWING the car but would not sell if I didnt let them touch.

I shall watch  your forum with interest,


Re: How People Learn- Part 1
1/3/2007 2:12:58 AM
First of all, Happy New Year!!!
Secondly, This was an excellent article. I can relate to this article as I use visual and auditory methods for my business.
Thanks Mary,

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Re: How People Learn- Part 1
1/3/2007 6:20:46 AM
Hi Geketa, You will be a wonderful asset here with those years of experience. Send your homeschooling contacts here to the forum. None will want to miss out on the threads. Cynthia Ulrich Tobias has authored 5 books. They can be purchased on my site: Just go to the Amazon-book area. Using the above title it will lead to all her books. Looking forward to your participation here.

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