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Person Of The Week
Re: Welcome to The 76th Person of The Week (POTW) Forum!!!
1/8/2007 12:25:56 PM
Hello Joe,

I'm glad to see you featured here as POTW at my short visit to Adland! :-)

With lots of friendship,

PS: I'm not too sure what this "KODOS" exactly means, though I've seen it lots of times instead of CONGRATS (so you can take it this way if it's something unfitting LOL), but I liked very much the card and I thought it a propper one for a "radio" person ;-)

Also, even if it's a bit late, I'd love to wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR, for your BIRTHDAY and NEW YEAR! 8-)

Re: Welcome to The 76th Person of The Week (POTW) Forum!!!
1/9/2007 3:30:24 AM

Hi Joe!  :-)


I'm glad to see your POTW week went well. Marilyn did a great job with posting your forum.

Oh, congrats on being this years first POTW, you deserve it my friend!  ;-)

Many blessings you this year Joe!  :-)


John Sanchez

Taking it to the next level...!

For as Man thinks so is He...! (Paraphrased from Prov. 23:7)

From the abundance in your mind come the manifestations in your life... JRS ©

If you believe in yourself then others will believe in you and it’s then when doors will begin to open for you... JRS ©

If I’m not on your friends list please invite me!

Re: Welcome to The 76th Person of The Week (POTW) Forum!!!
1/14/2007 7:59:25 AM

Sorry that I am late and missed You my friend,
as I have been away and sick, but never or less:

You deserved this honor
and I am honored have You as
a friend.

I hope You enjoyed Your week
and wish You welcome in the
POTW-club my friend.

Best regards
Flag of Jeffrey Obrien

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Re: Welcome to The 76th Person of The Week (POTW) Forum!!!
1/14/2007 9:58:47 PM

Hello John, Marilyn,

Thank you for the invtation. My New year new goals, my new year adventures and a good start with an excellent POTW. Joe Bucherri deserves this honour,like all the rest only this one seems special.

Joe.congratulations my friend have an awesome week.

many respects

jeffrey OBrien

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Re: Welcome to The 76th Person of The Week (POTW) Forum!!!
10/10/2007 8:03:00 PM
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