Hello my friends and Happy New Year, This is a New Year a New Beginning. Scratch the old slate and start a fresh new one. This year be the best you can be, lets be examples to others around the world.
Your Attitude is everything- You can tell if you are in the right field by your attitude toward excellence in that field, your attitude toward the people who are the very best at what they do or thinking of doing. All really successful people have great admiration and respect for the top performers in their industry.
Because you always move in the direction of what you most admire, the more you look up to and admire the best people in your field, the more you become like them. Make the top people your role models. As you evolve and grow, compare your accomplishments to the accomplishments of the top people.
One more thing to mention, for those who critize the high performers they never become high performers themselves. Never resent the ability or success of others. You should look up to those people and try to emulate their best qualities. Whatever any one else has done you can do as well.
Believe in yourself, walk with confidence trust in your self Make a difference -Brian Tracey-
"The greatest revolution of my generation is the discovery that by changing the inner attitudes of your mind, you can change the outer aspects of your life". -William James- Kathy Hamilton/simikathy.com