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Re: Inspiring Poems and Writings Dec.31,2006
1/1/2007 10:18:32 PM
Here is that link for the CD again:
Custom-tailored, High Quality Shirts $29.95 Custom-tailored, High Quality Suits $99.00 Fantastic networking opportunity at Look sharp and get paid!!
Re: Inspiring Poems and Writings Dec.31,2006
1/1/2007 10:19:44 PM
Hello Keith,
Thank you for caring and sharing, you are a blessing to Aaron and myself, Please join us often.
Aaron and Kathy
Re: Inspiring Poems and Writings Dec.31,2006
1/1/2007 10:25:30 PM
Hi Aaron,and Kathy:
Thank you for your angel site.
I have a request for help from your angels for a friend in need:
There is an adland member that is haveing problems,He has been cut off of his disability,and has had no income for 2 months now.
I have known this person for over 2 years now,and he is a special person.
I hope you will ask your angels to help this man and his family.
I am sending him some money,I do not have much,but I will put his paypal account e-mail here.Thank you Aaron and Kathy.
Peggy Smith
here is this friends paypal e-mail
His Name is Steven G.
Re: Inspiring Poems and Writings Dec.31,2006
1/1/2007 10:26:59 PM
Here is the correct link
this is amazing, thank you,kathy
Re: Inspiring Poems and Writings Dec.31,2006
1/1/2007 10:27:00 PM
Here is the correct link
this is amazing, thank you,kathy

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