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Your Internet Freedom is at Risk
12/19/2006 9:33:34 AM
Tuesday, December 19 Net Neutrality at Risk - Keeping the Internet Free & Open The Internet is so much a part of our lives that we almost take it for granted. We rely on it for so many things from social interaction, research, education, to commerce, recreation and everything in between. Now the powers that be want to control and charge for it. I know we already pay through ISP costs, but if the major telecommunication companies in U.S. (the likes of AT&T Inc. and Verizon Communications Inc.) get their way - we'll be paying much more or losing much of the control over content. Their plans involve actually buying the Internet. I know that sounds slightly ridiculous as the Internet is international, and it's the website owners that own the content. But should they succeed with their plans, they will control what is actually seen online. That's right, you as a website owner might have to pay to have your website visible - on top of your hosting costs (or included as a substantial increase). Imagine having to pay for your blog, for posting photos or video; or even using search engines. Rest assured that if the big telecoms triumph, these additional costs will be passed on to users and visitors, which means that the internet could lose it's highly competitive cost structure. eBay or Amazon might no longer be more affordable than their offline counterparts. Another concern with these plans is the control of information. Just like television, newspapers and radio, when companies control the content shown, you can lose the variety and objectivity of the information presented. Let's face it - this is the internet's great asset. As the social revolution (web 2.0) has started and everyone has a voice (blogs, video, photo sharing), the freedom of speech and expression has taken on new meaning (for better or worse). Start charging people for this freedom and the internet could fall silent. Every reader of this blog could be affected by this initiative. My only recommendation is to start paying attention and take the action you deem necessary. Whether you're "for" or "against" the proposed changes, it's time to understand the implications of any such action. For more information visit: a coalition backed by the likes of Google, Yahoo!, eBay and Share your thoughts whether you agree or disagree...
Re: Your Internet Freedom is at Risk
12/19/2006 10:12:33 AM

Dear Friends 

This and other changes due are noted in a new publication due out January 3,2007.

Our parent company will be offering this LITTLE BLUE BOOK.

The Catch 22, so to speak, is that there is an upside to what some see as inevitable. No more porno, no more child molesters operating,etc. And those who try to scam you or rip you off will have a hard time staying out of jail.

Though TGAMM and BCN News agree that the Internet should remain free and offer a domocratic system of use, no one will disagree that here on line, as is the case off line, there must be regualtions to make our community safe and sane.

To do anything less is placing everyone in danger.

Of course, it would be nice not to have to lock the shop door after a long day of work.

All the best,

Joe Buccheri


Re: Your Internet Freedom is at Risk
12/19/2006 10:26:31 AM

I have considered the flip side to this also, Joe.

The kiddie porn, the child predators, and perhaps the proliferation of spyware and malware. These evils are a price we pay for Freedom. Great harm and great good are accomplished via these freedoms.

When we muzzle the Bad Guys, we muzzle the Good Guys, at the same time.

One thing is for certain. It would change the way every member of AdLand conducts their business.

Re: Your Internet Freedom is at Risk
12/19/2006 10:44:20 AM
Thank you everyone for your informative articles. This information will help us all in the work at home and work from home industry.
Re: Your Internet Freedom is at Risk
12/19/2006 11:22:22 AM

Thanks for stopping by, Lwarence.

I think this discussion is very important and very deep.

It's the 'frog in a pot' analogy, to me. If you fling a frog into a pot of boiling water, he will freak and jump out. If you put him in a pot of cool water, and gradually turn up the heat, he will hardly notice, but he'll be cooked all the same.

Freedom is like that.


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