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Kathy Hamilton

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Tips for MLM Success
12/12/2006 5:22:22 PM
Hello my friends, here is some great Business tips that I recieved from The business I am in.Enjoy and take head. Come and get involved with the most Powerful women here At Adlandpro. When it comes to business and strategies we are the ones to come to. Kathy Hamilton Crystal weckerly Linda Harvey Deb Vance Jennie DaBello And so many others I Cant mention them all. but we are there to help you in any way. Let us help you Tips for MLM Success! 1 Start with written goals and plans! 2) Don't wait for everything to be exactly right to start. IT NEVER WILL! Start now, with whatever you have. The things you need will come to you as you work towards your goal. 3) Realize that "rejection" is natural. For every 20 people you contact, expect 19 "no's" for every "yes." You may very well do better than that, but expect 19 rejections. This way, the rejections won't bother you because you expect them. Also, realize that they're not rejecting YOU - they're simply rejecting an idea. Just keep moving ahead. Be persistent, ignore the rejections, and you'll get more than enough "yes's" to build a highly successful business. Always remember: Some will. Some won't. So what? Someone's waiting. Next! 4) Treat your network marketing business as a serious, full-time business, and it will become one. 5) Follow-ups are just as important as the initial contact. If a person hasn't joined yet, following up with more exciting information can turn the tide. Many people report that they get their best people after following up 3-5 times. 6) Be patient. You'll work the hardest your first six months and get compensated the least. Big incomes never happen overnight in network marketing. They only come after you've properly shown your personally-sponsored people how to duplicate your efforts. Network Marketing is a numbers game. 7) Don't give your Distributors unrealistic expectations. 8) Be willing to invest more money into your business than you get out of it in the beginning. 9) Don't quit. The only way to fail is if you give up. 10) When you join a business online. Contact your upline or the Staff of the company you are involved in and get their help and suggestions of how to grow your business. We at will offer you all the support and help you need to succeed online. 11) Ask for people's opinion on the opportunity. It's a good way to determine what objections they might have to joining and also allows you the chance to overcome those objections and sponsor them. You never recruit, you sponsor. Keep that in mind. 12) Formulate a plan of weekly activity and be persistent in following it (if you fail to plan, you plan to fail). Sticking to your plan is essential for success. 13) Assist those you sponsor as much as you can. Help them sponsor their first level distributors. Let them know that you offer your support. Teach your distributors the importance of doing the same. In helping others become successful, you help yourself become successful. It's also a wonderful way to make life-long friends. 14) Don't mail out a few brochures or contact a few people and expect the money to start rolling in. Expect to work your business consistently for 1-3 years before seeing a really substantial income. 15) Though network marketing is one of the few businesses where you can earn while you learn, think of your first six months primarily as a training period. Don't expect large earnings until after you've educated yourself. 16) Don't waste time on skeptics or non-motivated people. They will NOT succeed in your business or any other similar endeavor. They do not possess the qualities of a winner (this includes "rocking-chair advisors" who talk and talk, seem to know all the answers, but never act). 17) Always replace the people in your organization who do not succeed. 18) Don't constantly whine and complain to your upline or network marketing company. Realize that what you accomplish is mainly in your hands - no one else's. Also realize that, when you see a problem, 90% of the time there are factors you are unaware of. Don't jump to conclusions. When you have a problem, present it in a concise letter as positive, constructive criticism. Offer solutions if possible, too. Not only will this approach get you better results, but you'll be building your relationship with your upline/network marketing company instead of tearing it down. 19) Don't do things for your distributor that they should do themselves - or you will create "cripples." 20) FOCUS! You cannot become successful in network marketing trying to do many things at once. We know of people out there that are involved in 30+ businesses. That is doomed to fail. 21) Always present yourself and your business in a professional and ethical manner. 22) Stick to the facts. Don't exaggerate the opportunity. 23) Lead by example. Do all the things you want your distributors to emulate. 24) Learn as much as you can about the company / business you are working. 25) Avoid promoting your business in any way that causes your prospects to say to themselves, "Oh, now I see how this network marketing thing works, but I could never do that." In other words, if you are to succeed, your prospects must always be able to envision themselves doing what you're doing. 26) Think BIG! Small desire produces small results just as small fires produce little heat. 27) Know that most people crave recognition. RECOGNIZE your distributors who are doing good things with praise and rewards. Keep the contact with them close. 28) Communicate constantly! Keep in touch with everyone in your downline regularly. For your key people, make it daily if possible. The methods you can use are numerous: voice chat webpage, newsletters, meetings, phone calls, email, voice mail, faxes, postcards, etc. 29) Ask for referrals. Ask, E.g., "Do you know anyone who might be looking to earn some extra money?" 30) Always be ENTHUSIASTIC!! 31) When you come over new marketing / promotional methods that work really good. Share them with the people in your organization. Remember, DUPLICATION. 32) Build a list of contacts. Add to it daily. 33) Listen to tapes on network marketing. Listen again and again until you've totally absorbed them. 34) Don't become obsessed with sponsoring a "heavy hitter." Instead, learn how to be a heavy hitter yourself. 35) Be organized, but don't allow the act of organizing to keep you from the real important things: Marketing - Sponsoring - and Training 36) Don't let little problems upset you. Concentrate on the many positives and the big picture. 37) Always remember that the only thing that will never change is that there will always be changes. Like #36, don't let changes upset you. Know that you will have to deal with changes and other obstacles, both big and small, continually. Be prepared to be flexible. 37) Don't be a negative thinker and don't let the negative attitudes of others (even if they're family members, friends, or peers) influence you. All the great men and women in history had to overcome the ones that said it couldn't be done - and then went out and did it. Think for yourself! 38) Don't be derailed by "perfection paralysis." Realize that you won't be able to do everything perfectly. Do the best job you can, then move on to the next project. Keep moving. 39) Read books (such as Napoleon Hill's classic, "Think And Grow Rich") that will convince you how powerful your mind really is. Develop the tremendous potential in you (that we all have) that has never been tapped! 40) Have FUN! People can't resist someone having fun. Make your business so much fun that others will flock to you to join you. 41) Remember always..."IF IT'S TO BE, IT'S UP TO ME." Kathy/
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Deb Vance

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Re: Tips for MLM Success
12/12/2006 6:14:29 PM

Wow Kathy,

This is going into my notebook....always need to be reminded and encouraged and your thread did just that...thanks so much, Deb

Deb Vance "Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm".... Ralph Waldo Emerson
Kathy Hamilton

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Re: Tips for MLM Success
12/12/2006 6:17:17 PM
Hey Deb, Alao always remember to always Advertise your Presence ans Market your Identity always. Here is some places to share for extra exposure I own 2 of them,Kathy/ its all free looking forward,Kathy
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Deb Vance

31 Posts
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Re: Tips for MLM Success
12/12/2006 6:23:05 PM

thanks Kathy...

I will look at them asap... Deb

Deb Vance "Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm".... Ralph Waldo Emerson
Thomas Richmond

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Re: Tips for MLM Success
12/12/2006 6:46:17 PM
My friend Kathy, things have been so busy, not enough time to chat sometimes, i hope all is well, and it looks like the girls will be going soon! Yahoooo. I really like what you did in informing us about what to expect in a MLM program, as i am in several and you have made some good points, thanks kathy. To your Success! Happy Holidays...Tom.
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