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Re: Setting Up a Secure Webconference Room For AdLand Friends
12/12/2006 8:19:57 AM
Hi Bob, our healthy coffee team meets by phone every Tuesday, Thursday and Sat. and works very well (members are in the US and Canada).  I've never tried your process and we'd like to check it out.  Keep us up to date.  Thanks.  Zeke and jean, The Healthy Java Couple,
Jim Allen

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Re: Setting Up a Secure Webconference Room For AdLand Friends
12/18/2006 12:36:49 AM

Hello Bob,

I applaud what you are doing.  I have been involved with online conference rooms since 1999 and have good and bad experiences with them.  I am one of the original 32 Founders of OpTecs and VoiceCafe.  Our rooms are 1028 bit encryted (Very Secure) and user friendly. 

Most of what is out there now is peer to peer and some are so over priced for the average person it isn't funny.

I invite all Adland friends to drop in and say hi,

And yes, I will be happy to assist in any way I can to help you accomplish your goal here.



May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Bogdan Wrzesinski

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Re: Setting Up a Secure Webconference Room For AdLand Friends
1/8/2007 10:01:16 AM


Wonderful,... GREAT,... Thanks for your message: WAY to go... Please call Robert (866) 782-5348 about "Star Enterprise"

Bogdan, Intelligence Inc

PS: We did a 100+ people Team with Exec VP: Rick Martin and Dr DavidKing are experts in "T.E.A.M" work in conference setting here at AdlandPro for WOSAT: ""

Ruby Garson

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Re: Setting Up a Secure Webconference Room For AdLand Friends
1/18/2007 11:09:17 PM

Hello Bob,

I looked at this forum and thought I would be taught how to set up a conference room.  I do want to learn how.  Don't understand much about them. 

Also need help with autoresponders, which I found out recently, it is actually scripts that I need to learn for that.  Anyway...

Thanks for the information!


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