Hey Nick-
Was speaking with my son recently, conversation as follows:
ME> Hi son, how's it going?
Son> Ok, I guess. I had to evict one of my roomates!
ME> Really, why?
Son> I'd get home from work & his dirty breakfast dishes would be in the sink, he has clothes and cra&p all over the living room, his bathroom is a pig stye, he doesn't help with any of the household chores, he drinks all my soda & doesn't replace it, and on top of all that, he can't even say thank you for all my food he eats!
ME. Really? (small chuckle)
Son>(silence for several seconds) Mom, how did you put up with me?
ME> Because I love you & knew, one day, with lots of prayer & God's help, you'd be the great young man you are!
Happy Holidays to one & all!