Hi Marilyn
My first experience with higher education was when I worked with a man named Kermit that had a PHD in Electrical Engineering from MIT. At this time I only had a BSEE and he was very difficult. It seems he had been in school so long that he did not know how to apply his knowledge. This is when I developed the Phase locked Loop tuner and the company patened the device. Of course Kermit had his name on the patent and mine was missing.
For everyone who doesn't know what the PLL is, it is the tuner in your radio and television that allows you to switch cannels. This invention removed the need for a mechanical tuner knob.
This is an illistration of the quote by Henry Adams. The accumulation of inert facts and knowledge is useless if it can not be applied to the real world.
Imagination is the most powerful force in the universe. It has created our world and continues to change it each day. We must first imagine something to be able to create it.