I'll repeat my own advice here that I posted in my own forum. Tiny urls mask your links, that's true, but people do get desensitized when they see tinyurl.com/sdrfou8er (not a real one just an example.) And they're probably not going to click, much less drag and copy the tinyurl.com link to see what's behind it. It could be porn or a site that contains a virus or anything...who knows? You can always mask a link by hyperlinking. If you don't have the tools like you see here you can just type <a href="link">Text here</a> and do the same thing where html is allowed. Check this out. http://www.newbiesarentdummies.comI don't know who owns this domain name, but it's not me, but I made it up to show how this can really be fun. http://uptonogood.comhttp://doyougetityet.com?Ihopeso