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Too many different programs
11/27/2006 9:28:53 AM
I am new to this type of marketing but what I've noticed is too many people on all the different discussions or boards are sending you to way too many sites and business models.  What if we all could work hard on just one site or forum.  With the combined effort we as a community could make a site skyrocket.  Everyone putting their efforts to one cause.  I have been hit with so many different sites and programs, it just gets me tired.  I have used other ways of marketing that create very good results but when I get to these forums it just doesn't work as well.  What do you think?
Pay It Forward Network
Re: Too many different programs
11/27/2006 2:23:54 PM

Amen!  Your title hit me right between the eyes!  It's exactly the way I feel and yet it's so hard to just delete all the great ideas without looking at them. I spend so much time reading new info that I don't get done the basic things I should every day. 

So if someone comes up with a brilliant idea on how to get your focus where it needs to be -- let me know.  :)   And it would help in the $$$ area, too.

Winifred Churchill


Winifred Churchill Melaleuca and the Advancing With Us Team
Tim Southernwood

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Re: Too many different programs
11/27/2006 3:33:47 PM

Hi David,

I would have to agree with you to a point, but there's no way that everyone will agree on that system or product.
We each have our own tastes and preferences.
Still..there are examples where marketers have banded together here in Adlandpro, and elsewhere on the internet.
"Crews" as they are somtimes called, follow the "leader" usually their top upline person who is well connected and finds a new and worthy opportunity. It can work but it's a little like investing, because you never really know how some things will turn out. I always say..DO YOUR HOMEWORK!
There's a new program born every few minutes, and of course when people sign up the first thing they're going to do is market it.
We get a lot of new business owners here, and perhaps they are fortunate to land here, becuase this community REALLY cares. They will get lots of good advice if they care to listen.
I've been guilty in the past as any from a lack of focus in trying to build multiple streams of income, but I'm also very pleased to be part of a couple of groups that have shown a true team concept! Not everything works, but I've learned to only promote those things that have worked for me.
One is the $7 Miracle. see here
While the team is still waiting for that system to be completed and functioning 100% they have continued to work together to bring more people in. The concept was to have the team assist the new person to get their two signups so as to be in a paid up position. At only $7 that wasn't hard. Unfortunately human nature took over and people rode the system doing nothing but expecting two people placed below them so we had to stop that.
While waiting for the one system to be completed, they then started a focus on another paying opportunity, with the same model of assisting new recruits in getting into a paid position but this time with a much larger group to work the plan. Now we promote a generic link and the recruit passes on their ID name, and when new people sign up they are given that link to sign up, and on it goes.
You will also see a number of links in my signature for systems that have proven to me that they work.

But of course I'm saving the best for last..and for those of you reading..well you're going to have to wait for the URL on this newest of sites. I will soon be presenting (In partnership with my team in WOSAT LLC) to the Adland community a novel concept in online business, and I can't say more without tipping my hat, but stay tuned for the announcement as Adlandpro members will hear about and be able to jump in first! I guarantee that if you can't make money with us in this NEW business opportunity, you'd best hang up that mouse and get a dayjob.

Committed to the highest levels of success!

Tim Southernwood/Get eH² Packs!/BlogNet Awards We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit - Aristotle
Re: Too many different programs
11/27/2006 7:47:39 PM
What if we created our own product.  Before you form an opinion hear me out.  What if for instance we put together a blog together.  On the blog we put together information about a certain subject for instance marketing.  Who knows marketing better than the people here.  As we develop the blog we become known as experts who share marketing ideas.  NO OPPORTUNITIES ALLOWED.  As we grow we have a product, "ourselves."  We then have people bring their ideas or businesses to us for marketing help.  We create a collective marketing plan with everyones input.  Sort of like a think tank.  We send back a marketing plan.  The products or businesses that we think have potential we also include a proposal to help implement their marketing program (for a fee of course).

We are now a think tank that helps people.  We sift through bad and good ideas and help those ones we feel have potential.  If you look at all the great websites out there most started with free services such as this one.  Built a community and a niche and then provided services and products for a fee.

Our product is the collective unit of all our knowledge.  What could be stronger.  It needs structure but we as a collective create that structure.
Pay It Forward Network
Tim Southernwood

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Re: Too many different programs
11/28/2006 11:50:06 AM

Hi David,

Good idea David.
In fact there have been a number of groups to spring from our ranks here in Adlandpro with a similar intent, one of them being the group that I am VP-Canada of, namely WOSAT.
There have been others in the past as well, and some continue.
Another idea was for marketers to band together and assist one another in a team like fashion. One joined, and brought two, who brought in six, and so on..everyone helping the others get the two they needed to get into a "qualified" or "paid up" position. That team has grown quite large and now is branching out into another system to further increase earnings.
This was the first and only cost the members $7 to get involved.
The second program is this 

So your idea has merit, people are doing just what you suggest, and I would encourage you to either join with them, or start your own.

Best Regards,

Tim Southernwood/Get eH² Packs!/BlogNet Awards We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit - Aristotle