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Paul Davey

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Re: Old Topic, Refreshed - Why is there a Condom in the Chicken Soup?
11/27/2006 4:54:21 AM

Once again you are spot on. Well spoken out.


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Re: Old Topic, Refreshed - Why is there a Condom in the Chicken Soup?
11/27/2006 5:43:22 AM
Yes I agree BRAVO Kenneth!!! well said and wow you even came up with a great pic too!!! have a great day :)
Judy Smith

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Re: Old Topic, Refreshed - Why is there a Condom in the Chicken Soup?
11/27/2006 6:48:53 AM

Hi Kenneth,

You are so right on with this post, and have hit a nail on the head for me as to one of the reasons I will post to a forum that is wonderful and then go back to see what going on with it and get totally turned off with all the non-topical ads that I have to plow through to get back to the meat of the forum.  I think it's downright rude, and if you figure out how to get people to stick to the topics of the forum - let me know.

Thanks for the post!  I will now head to the drug store to pick up a hammer?????


Re: Old Topic, Refreshed - Why is there a Condom in the Chicken Soup?
11/27/2006 8:26:21 AM
I was under the impression that you moderated all your forums Ken.  That has its drawbacks though I'm sure.  I can apprecitate you wanting to keep people on task, but opportunist will take advantage where they can.
I got tired of struggling to succeed in building my business. It's frustrating doing things that don't work, time and time and time again. So I searched and searched. I found resources that could help me and others. Do you know anyone else who might need
Re: Old Topic, Refreshed - Why is there a Condom in the Chicken Soup?
11/27/2006 9:04:28 AM
Hello Charles,

This topic covers more than just the forums I moderate. I have been noticing it happening alot on other people's threads as well lately. And I hear it from other members that feel 'a little soft' at speaking up about it, too. So, I thought it would be a good time to bring it up again.

Thanks for taking the time to post.

Wishing you the best.


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