John Elliott and Luella May welcome you to the Fourth Edition of
Women of Courage
Each week we will honor a woman that has truly made a difference by her contributions, courage, love, and selflessness. Women honored will be chosen from inside AdlandPro, outside AdlandPro, living in the present, and yes, we will not forget those heroines that paved the way for the freedoms we now enjoy. We will honor women who have shown tremendous courage and fortitude against all odds.
Assisting us in coordinating these awards are four outstanding ladies who are Women of Courage in their own right.
Carla Cash
Veronica Davidson
Joyce Hyde
And Adlands very own Men of Courage:
Georgios Paraskevpoulos http://community.adlandpro.com/go/Genesis/default.aspx
John Partington http://community.adlandpro.com/go/114695/default.aspx


Eva Fry
Singer, Songwriter, Entertainer, Author,
Motivational Speaker.
Eva believes: The greatest joy we will achieve in this life will come from bringing happiness to others, through service. Our life`s work is to discover our gifts, talents and abilities so we can provide this service to others and reach our own potential. We must also fight the evil opposition, which will try to stop us. Pursuing the dreams of our hearts will motivate us toward this righteous purpose.
Eva Fry has dedicated her life to helping others have better and happier lives. Her own childhood was clouded with sadness, in a troubled home, with an alcoholic father and an emotionally disturbed mother. Her father died an alcoholic.
She understands the pain many young people have experienced and the wrong choices so many of them make. In her book and program at Juvenile Hall she shares with them how she broke the destructive life cycle of her family and began a new healthy cycle for her own children and grandchildren. The hurt of those years motivated her to create a better life for herself, her family and whomever she is inspired to help.
She hopes to support parents and help them keep their kids on the straight and narrow. Her goal is to save our younger generation from the evil path so many are following.
Her books & music are a result of her desire to teach children and their parents the secrets to successful living and to keep kids away from choices, which destroy their future and their potential.
Deeply religious, Eva believes each of us is responsible for helping make the world a better place to live. She began her program Be a Winner in Life at Juvenile Hall in San Diego in 1994 and has spoken to over 10,000 incarcerated kids, aged ten to eighteen. She believes our troubled kids are the scapegoats for the sins of our society and has dedicated her life to try to help them make better choices, change their life and reach their God given potential.
Eva believes in living her dreams by caring for the young and not so young.
When her children left the nest she began a new career, with hopes of bringing a smile to the face of seniors. She learned the words to their old favorite tunes, took a stand-up comedy class, and began to entertain at senior facilities. Eva found her new passion for life and began to live a dream she had as a child, to be an entertainer.
At the age of 59, she began to write her own music. Within a three-year period she has written over 50 songs and has had them produced, on 6 CD`s. Her songs come from many genres, mostly with a spiritual base, intended to inspire others. New Senior, Christian, Children`s, Country and Christmas.
At the age of 62 she published two books, YOU MUST HAVE A DREAM dedicated to seniors and BE A WINNER IN LIFE, dedicated to young people, troubled youth and their parents.
She teaches her message at a seminar entitled YOU MUST HAVE A DREAM.
Eva is passionate about her beliefs and has many articles published and has a desire to get them out to the world through her free articles on her web site.
Eva Fry lives in San Diego California with her husband, Al, of 43 years. Together they have raised three successful adult children who have blessed them with nine grandchildren.
She is an entertainer: singer/songwriter, with her own music label.
She is an author and humorist
Eva is a winner of the National Speaking Championships for Phi Rho Pi (Colleges and Universities)
She was a speaker for many years for Mothers Against Drunk Driving (she was a victim of a drunk driver)
Named 1997 volunteer of the Year for Juvenile Institutions
Is the MC for the San Diego Seniors, Talent Contest and Senior Show at the San Diego County Fair
Performs at 100`s of senior centers, senior facilities, and county fairs in California, Utah and Canada
Is an Able Toastmaster
Eva Fry has dedicated her life to helping troubled kids
Eva, you are a true Woman of Courage. Instead of becoming a victim, you changed your life around and became a winner. Thank you for empowering our youth to seek excellence. And thank you for loving our seniors.
Luella May