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Here is another way I am trying to earn money for My daughter Molly and the other kids. Please check this out It was just brought me to by some Investors.Please check it out.
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Grab this chance to jump ahead of the queue!
Join an innovative type of commission structure in a secure and reliable network-marketing program. Our pioneering revolving commission structure guarantees that every associate, whether old or new, earns regular revenue.
Every new associate joins the network in a sequential way irrespective of where their sponsor is located. Instead, you take the vacant place behind the previous newest member, in a company 3x10 forced matrix.
How our plan is really different from all the other companies?
At the beginning of every month the respective positions in the matrix are reversed. This structure allows every member to be at some point at the top or near the top of the matrix, not only the oldest ones! The following month the matrix is reversed upside down. The last associate to join the network the previous month climbs to the top of the matrix.But note that the earlier in the month you enrol, the more profitable for you. In fact, if you wait until the end of the month, your first commission will actually be paid pro-rata.
A huge advantage of the Revolving Matrix© is that even if you do not make any new sales, you can still earn monthly commission. All associates, regardless of when they join or how many sales they make can earn monthly commission.
Sounds too good to be true?
You may be wondering how it is possible to share the benefits among all the members of the matrix?
The Compensation Plan
Our compensation plan is designed with everyone in mind, irrespective of whether you have extensive network marketing experience and connections, you are a novice, or simply too busy to generate new leads. This is why we offer five different sources of revenue.
For the first time ever, we have developed a fully Revolving Matrix© with a 3 x 10 structure and commission payments to infinity. This means that under each member there are three first-level associates, 9 second-level associates, 27 third-level associates, and so on for ten vertical levels. But subject to certain conditions, you can earn commission to infinity, i.e. from as many levels of associates as there are.
1. QuickStart
For every web gallery you sell personally, you get a bonus of $25.You may start earning the QuickStart bonus from the first day of your membership – as soon as you sponsor a new associate you can get the $25 bonus. [ more ]
As a self-respecting company valuing fairness to all members, we've introduced the QuickStart bonus to reward members actively contributing to the network's growth by realising a larger volume of sales.
For every web gallery you sell personally, your QuickStart bonus is $25.
2. Commission
For all associates in your downline, you earn $1 for per month no matter if they were invited by you or not!
[ more ]
First, you earn commission revenue. Every associate earns commission from the downline of associates located directly underneath. Provided certain conditions are met, you earn a commission for members in your downline for every level to infinity!
You earn commission from associates located directly underneath your branch of the rotating matrix framework. For all associates in your downline, you earn $1 for per month no matter if they were invited by you or not! Subject to certain conditions, you earn commission for members in your direct downline for every level to infinity!
Even if you make no direct sales, you are entitled to commission until 7 downward levels. That is a commission of $3279 without even making a sale! Not only that, but as soon as a new participant joins in your direct downline, you can start earning a $1 monthly commission on their membership. This means that even if you do not personally sell a single web album, you are still entitled to full commission from members located directly underneath your position for seven downward levels, or $3279 with no new member brought in by you!
Bear in mind that the matrix grows exponentially. The more members there are, the quicker rate of expansion can be achieved as at each successive level there are three times as many affiliates engaged in expanding the network. And the longer you are a member, the higher the commission you could earn every time the matrix is reversed.
How? Well, it's simple! As you continue to be a member, there are more and more people who have joined after you. So every time the matrix revolves, there will be more people on both sides of you in the Revolving Matrix©. As the potential for growth is virtually unlimited, your commission total will be higher every month because you will no longer be situated low down in the matrix even as the order is reversed.
Moreover, as the total number of subscribers continues growing, so does the total revenue of the reversible matrix. Therefore, each individual member stands to earn a higher commission, as at each monthly upside down rotation there is always a large number of associates located under a particular associate.
As you can see, the reversible matrix combines the benefits of the conventional pattern of commission distribution, which rewards long-standing members higher up in the hierarchy, with a system of revenue distribution which strives to equally benefit recent affiliates. However, this does not signify that hard-working members are not encouraged- on the contrary.
3. Personal Sales Monthly Bonus
For new associates to whom you have personally sold a web gallery, you are entitled to an additional $1 monthly bonus in addition to other revenue you receive. [ more ]
Even though the expansion of the matrix is a collective effort, associates who contribute more actively to the expansion of the Revolving Matrix© are rewarded on a regular basis. For new associates to whom you have personally sold a web gallery, you are entitled to a fixed $1 monthly bonus in addition to other revenue you receive. You earn this monthly bonus irrespective of where your referrals are located in the network. The Personal Sales Bonus is not to be confused with the monthly commission. It is independent of the associate’s position in the matrix and is earned every month for each previous sale you have accomplished.
4. Matching Bonus
You can also earn the 'matching bonus'. This is a percentage of the commission earned by your personal referrals or by those to whom your referrals have directly made a sale. Up to five levels. [ more ]
So far, you have seen three of the revenue streams in the revolving matrix, the QuickStart bonus, the monthly commission, and the monthly sales bonus. But these are not the only ways of making money with our compensation plan. You can also earn the 'matching bonus'. This is a percentage of the commission earned by your personal referrals or by those to whom your referrals have directly made a sale. The matching bonus is a recurrent commission, you earn it every month.
Matching Bonus
Generation Requirements:
Minimum number of
personal active sales Percentage of
mathching bonus
that you receive
Generation 1 1 50%
Generation 2 1 20%
Generation 3 1 10%
Generation 4 1 10%
Generation 5 1 10%
For 'first-level' sales you have made, your matching bonus is 50%. This means that you get 50% of all the commission revenues earned by members that you have brought in!!! What is more, the matching bonus applies for 5 levels of members directly related to you. This means that for a referral made by one of your direct referrals, your matching bonus commission is 20%. For your third to fifth level associates, your matching bonus is 10% on their commission
5. Super Leadership Bonus
Leaders who are very active in generating sales and enlarging the network share a certain percentage of the total revenue generated by the network's sales. [ more ]
We have developed the Super Leadership bonus to act as incentive for especially active members who contribute significantly to the expansion of the network. The Super Leadership bonus is designed to stimulate leaders who are very active in generating sales and enlarging the network. These leaders share a certain percentage of the total revenue generated by the network's sales. There are five qualifying categories for the Super Leadership bonus, depending on the amount of sales completed by a member. The percentage of the bonus depends on the qualifying category.
Members who have made between 3 and 10 virtual gallery sales qualify for Leader 1 category and are entitled sharing among them 5% of the network’s total monthly income. Leader 2 category is made up of members who have realised between 10 and 25 personal sales as well as having 2 leaders of category 1 in their personal downline. These leaders are entitled to share 4 % of the total income of the revolving matrix.
In category 3, leaders with 25 to 50 direct active sales and 3 three leaders of category 2 are entitled to share among themselves 3% of the Revolving Matrix’s total revenue. Leaders of category 4 who have realised between 50 and 100 personal sales as well as having 3 leaders of category 3 in their direct downline, are entitled to sharing 3% of the total revenue of the matrix.
The highest category of leaders, category 5, consists of leaders who have realised over 100 personal sales and have at least 4 leaders of category 4 among the people they have personally sponsored. These leaders share among them 3% of the total revenue of the network. Note that, as there are far fewer category 5 leaders, the actual Super Leadership bonus per leader is higher than that for other categories.
Super Leadership Bonus
Leader Requirements:
Minimum number of
personal active sales Other Requirements Percentage of the pool shared
Leader 1 3 None 5%
Leader 2 10 2 Leaders of Category 1 in your downline 4%
Leader 3 25 3 Leaders of Category 2 in your downline 3%
Leader 4 50 3 Leaders of Category 3 in your downline 3%
Leader 5 100 4 Leaders of Category 4 in your downline 3%
The Product
Not only is our network-marketing model groundbreaking in its wealth distribution, our product is ideally suited to online business.
Our Revolving Wealth Photo Gallery is an online photo, video, music and document file management service. It is an online gallery service which allows registered users to upload, store and display personal photographs as well as short videos, music, other images and documents. Subscribers to the Revolving Wealth Gallery service can store and share photographs and other types of files with their acquaintances.
Once you register, you get your own gallery and a sub-domain of your choice. You can upload and store up to 5 Gigabytes of files. You are entitled to unlimited bandwidth, i.e. the monthly amount of data transfer you can use. You may extend your album space by simply buying an additional subscription.The gallery is easy to manage and lets you organise your photographs, videos and documents according to various parameters, such as date, place and subject matter. Sharing is easy: you simply need to send a link to your personal gallery inviting the people that you want to view your albums. It’s also safe: your virtual gallery website is protected with a password, so that only the people you allow will be able to access your personal gallery and view your albums. Moreover, guests cannot modify any of your files so security is guaranteed.
For only $39.95 a month you get your personal gallery which is free of commercials, so it will contain no unwanted advertisement banners, pop-ups and commercial messages. You and your guests can enjoy browsing through your space without the interference of advertisers and commercial links.
The most innovative way of making money - nothing like you have ever seen before
Kathy Hamilton/simikathy