HI Sri,
I never agree when a person says they are growing old. The body may loose its youthfull agility and the skin gets thinner so that if you pinch it on the back of your hand it slowly wanders back to its original shape.
Does that mean I am getting old? Not me. I will never put myself into a picture of this mental construct. There have been too many friends I lost along the way to this mindset. Best to avoid the fear and indignity of placing yourself into a catagory. It doesn't matter to me what my body does. Some things you can not have control, but we do control what we think, and how we think.
I agree that keeping the mind focused on the positive things may help us cope, rather than deny what is happening altogether. I know all too well the problems with age, being a young man of 56 Smetimes it feels like 96. Then you turn on the news and hear of someone that is 106 and still actively engaging activities.
To me the sign of the aging of the body makes me glad. Because In a relatively short time, I will be able to go home to my friend and Lord, and the things of this world will not anymore be important.
While I am here, I will do my best to take care of His temple with as much knowledge and dignity as I can muster, and not worry about how old I become.
Have a great day, Sri,