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Ok...I Just Signed Up for Adland Community, Now What?
11/19/2006 11:49:19 AM
I just created a new account, I filled in all the data and I'm sitting here trying to figure out what to do next. I have only a few contacts to send my new site to, and I'm lost. This is such a big place and I'm new to the internet so I could use some NOW!

Does this sound like you?

Then you've come to the right place.

Do you see the New Post thingy popping up now and then? Great. click on it. You'll be taken to a forum and you'll see someone there who might be able to help you.

Read a few posts and click on the names of people and visit their profile pages. I mean really take a long look. Get to know them. Don't just send them ads. That will give the impression that you're only here for your self.

Do you have anything you can do to help someone? Great.
Set up your own forum and invite your newfound friends and
before you know it, you'll be getting a bunch of new people to
talk to. You won't feel so alone any more.


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