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Steve Baric

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Re: I need the best deal on Airfare/Looking for someone who has access to travel deals
11/17/2006 9:21:49 PM
The prices I quoted were for full-priced seats -- no special discounts...I don't know if it matters that they're minors or not.
Steve Baric
Geketa Holman

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Re: I need the best deal on Airfare/Looking for someone who has access to travel deals
11/17/2006 9:31:38 PM

Kathy you have to contact the airline before ticketing children under age 15 .. it is policy for all airlines they have different policy for each airline    I am pretty sure Midwest  airline fights out of Kansas


About Minors


Uanaccompanied Minors
You must contact the airline directly before purchasing a ticket for an unaccompanied minor. Most airlines allow unaccompanied minors to travel on their flights, but have special restrictions, so please check with the airline to confirm specific policies. Age restrictions vary by airline. In general, children under the age of 5 may never travel alone. Most airlines require unaccompanied minors services for children ages 5-14, and some require it through age 17. Additional fees apply (approximately $25-100 each way) and can be paid at check-in. For security reasons, most airlines do not allow unaccompanied minors to travel on the last connecting flight of the day. Some carriers require unaccompanied minors to travel on non-stop flights only. The specific flights required vary by airline, so check directly with them prior to making a reservation.
Infants (children under 2)
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Geketa Holman

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Re: I need the best deal on Airfare/Looking for someone who has access to travel deals
11/17/2006 9:36:40 PM

Kathy ,

See the difference it makes contacting a REAL TRAVEL AGENT .. ?

BLessings ,



Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
Neil Reinhardt

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Re: I need the best deal on Airfare/Looking for someone who has access to travel deals
11/18/2006 2:09:46 AM
Kathy, Years ago, I joined a travel thing and each week, I get a list of their Top Twenty "deals" Things like cruises, hotel stays, etc AND specials on air line fares. And they get these great deals by researching some 500 other companies who are in the travel business. (No, if anyone is wondering, I do not earn anything if some one takes advantage of any of their offers.) SO, IF you (and/or anyone else who is interested) will message me with an e-mail address, I will forward the next one I get to you. (them) Please, Take Care! Neil
This Grumpy Old Son Of A Beach says: For a simple, inexpensive, and great tasting, way to earn money, click here: ----------------------- -------------------- And for a progam which is better than most mlm's I know of
James Wright

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Re: I need the best deal on Airfare/Looking for someone who has access to travel deals
11/18/2006 4:31:04 PM
Kathy, the best deal out there is Purchase on the internet two weeks in advance.

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