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Jill Bachman

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Re: Atlantis – The lost continent – Part 2
11/22/2006 9:04:48 PM
Hi Ally and Venerina,

I got lost in Ally's site (as she put it  :-)  I have been to Crystal Links before, but somehow I discovered a million different links that I do not believe I have seen before.  But, who knows.......I get lost in my imagination easily  :-)

It is all so fascinating.  That is the first time I recall seeing an actual map showing how sacred geometry ties to the layout of the pyramids.  Very interesting.

The other discovery was on newer photos introduced relating to the Bermuda Triangle and the testimonial of the diver of how he FELT.  As more and more discovereies to specific goegraphical areas occur, you almost wonder if Atlantis and Lemuria did not tie to every continent as we know them today. 

I have amazing stories on FEELING in a location not far from where I live in California, but I will save that for another time.  All I can say is that it has been scientifically documented on the energy grids.

So, I will continue in my pursuit of "never say never" and keep my imagination attuned to new information always  :-)

Bless you,  Jill (aka Nancy Drew  :-)

Allyson Lier

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Re: Atlantis – The lost continent – Part 2
11/23/2006 9:05:50 PM
As synchronicity would have it, this subject came up in another forum of mine and so I thought I would share a couple more links with you.

Jill with you being in California have you ever been to Mt Shasta?   :D

The map that I saw recently placed Lemuria in the middle of the Pacific and somewhere else they talked about how there was bascially land bridges everywhere but I would imagine that they still needed boats, that there wasn't an actual bridge or continuous landforms connecting everything.

Happy searching!

Jill Bachman

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Re: Atlantis – The lost continent – Part 2
11/24/2006 1:04:01 PM
Hi Ally,

Mt. Shasta who....what?   hehehe

Yes, my insightful synchronistic friend..........I live just two hours from Mt. Shasta and I consider myself very very fortunate.  It is indeed a magical mountain.

I can share many stories, facts and folklore, but for fear of getting ahead of Venerina, I will not elaborate just yet.  She knows I a full of it....when it is time  :-)

I think John Muir said it all:

"When I first caught sight of Mount Shasta over the braided folds of the Sacramento Valley, my blood turned to wine, and I have not been weary since."   John Muir, 1874

It is really fun to get to know you better, and I can tell we have many many many things to share down the road here.

Bless you,  Jill
Allyson Lier

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Re: Atlantis – The lost continent – Part 2
11/27/2006 8:14:30 AM
I agree with you Venerina that not al linfo out there is agreeable.
I find that it is hard to find sites that are completely true,
there are so many sub-realities that we live in, get trapped by and
often need to break free from.
I also find though that some sites are written with particular agendas in mind too.
Discernment is always key.
And as always, it's best to take everything with a grain of salt and see how it fits in to the rest of your info as you go along,
what is right and true will last and the rest will be exposed and thrown away.   ;)
I have to say that I do believe that Atlantis and Lemuria were real but I think it's good to see what everyone is saying that way you get the best picture possible.
In my humble opinion anyways!    :D

Jill Bachman

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Re: Atlantis – The lost continent – Part 2
11/28/2006 9:15:19 PM
Hi Ally,

I agree with you.  There is definitely a degree of DEEP or AGENDA to watch out for. 

As a true knowledge seeker, I have had to, on more than one occasion, tell my husband,  "It's not what I's what I believe.  I usually read everything with the idea of dividing the contents in half and then in HALF again.....and,  if I am lucky, I only believe half of that!"

But, there are some awesome GEMS that can be found in some precarious, never say never  :-)

Bless you my friend,  Jill

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