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Angie Potts

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Re: Better Information, Better Health
11/12/2006 8:48:21 PM
Hi chris, My father-in-law is a huge testiment to this. When he was diagnosed with cancer 3 years ago, they had him in the grave sooner than he was ready. He still has a pretty positive attitude today even though it is almost impossible for him to actually beat this. Sure he gets depressed from time to time but over all I am positive that it was mostly his mindset that has kept him going this long. Thanks for the post and we will wait for your laughter forums to keep us all healthy. your friend, Angie P
Angie P
Larry Blethen

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Re: Better Information, Better Health
11/12/2006 10:45:50 PM
hello Chris...thank you..positive thinking is the key...Larry
Larry Blethen, 304-369-5603
Nick Sym

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Re: Better Information, Better Health
11/13/2006 1:22:28 AM

Very good article Chris!

Breast Cancer Awareness On My Site! Free exposure that works
Arthur Webster

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Re: Better Information, Better Health
11/13/2006 2:52:32 AM
Hi, all, Well, I am really glad that I posted to this forum - it has confirmed that either nobody bothers to read the stream before posting or that they really don't care about any body else's opinion and will totally ignore it in deference to the forum owner. How sad. Whatever happened to Adland?
Sarah Pritchard

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Re: Better Information, Better Health
11/13/2006 10:41:56 AM
Firstly, thank u to Chris for this interesting article.

Dear Arthur,

I read your message and I must confess that I found it a bit confusing.  At times u seemed to be disagreeing with the article and then, at other times u were "agreeing."

My experience with very sick people has been much more limited than your's, but the way I behave is to be caring, loving and to treat them just the same as if they were healthy.  In fact, my mother used to tell me off for encouraging my father to do things that she thought were not good for a sick person!

My darling daddy died in July 05, after a long illness.  At times he was so weak that he couldn't take action physically, but he was a fighter mentally.  We were very close.  We were "connected".  It didn't matter that I lived 800 miles away from him.  We connected our thoughts.  I sent him distant healing and positive thoughts.  He lived a lot longer than any of the specialists expected.  A major element in that was our connected and positive spiritual thoughts.  He could feel my distant healing.  He called it his "special cuddles" from me.  Some nights I kept him going.  I knew that he was suffering and I helped him through.

In the end, we  both realized that he had to let go and that his mission had come to an end in this dimension.  He sent a message for me to come.  He also sent a message to his brother who he hadn't seen for years.  We both visited him and said "Goodbye."  One week after I returned to France, Daddy passed on.  He didn't go fighting and kicking.  He peacefully passed on to be with the Angels.  I now walk in his light.

I also have a friend with cancer.  I give her healing and send her distant healing to help her physically and mentally.  She often phones me to say how grateful she is and how it is helping her enormously.  The recipient of the healing has to be willing to receive it.  If they are willing, positive energy healing can work wonders.  I use it on my children and even on my pets.  Cats love it!  The vet told me that I have something special.  It's not special in that way.  The positive energy is all around and in us.

I hope I haven't gone on too much here.

Love and special cuddles to u all.

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