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Dave Cottrell

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Not All Safelists are the Same
11/11/2006 8:21:08 PM
Hi everyone,

A lot of people like to use safelists, with varying results.

The sad fact is, most are just a complete waste of time.  So many people use throwaway email accounts for safelists and they never look at them, except to clean them out.  In fact, you can get email accounts now that automatically dump everything without you even having to log in.  (Like Planet X )

As a safelist owner, I am very aware of this fact.  It has taken a long time for me to build my safelist to the point it is at now, with some 2000 active members and a fairly good response rate.  Is it worth the trouble for me to continue?  Absolutely.  For one thing, I am the list owner and have all the contact addresses, which are different from the list addresses.  I DO run test mailings to the list addresses to keep track of how active they are, and am pleased that many actually DO look at some of their messages.

However, I get a LOT more response with contact addresses, which brings me to my next point:  if you are PAYING to use a safelist submitter, do NOT pay for one that sends to the regular list.  ONLY pay to submit to contacts emails, and don't pay a lot.  I've already spent my money and can tell you that while you get results with some submitters, a lot of them only make you FEEL like you're doing something, but actually bring you almost NO results.

The reality even of contact email addresses is that a lot of submitter services only do one inititial check of the contact email and then approve it forever.  As long as the owner keeps his or her inbox from choking, the submitter will keep the address confirmed as current and active, even if it's NEVER checked.  More and more people who use submitters also have a throwaway email address for their contact email.

Now, why would I, as a safelist owner, spill my guts this way?  It's simple.  I run a quality site and continuously monitor it.  That's why I get so few complaints (far, far less than my traffic exchange!!), and also why it's far more responsive than most lists.  Furthermore, I want people to be aware of the facts surrounding safelists.  Far too many people have been duped into thinking that if they just join gazillions of safelists, pay for submitters, etc., the money is going to flow in.  What REALLY happens is, the money just flows out!

Now I'm REALLY going to surprise you!  I'm going to tell you about the best and most responsive safelist I've found.  Guess what?  It's not mine!!  I wish it was, but I have a lot of growing to do, yet, to catch up to these people.  They have done an absolutely excellent job, and have some very good extras built into their system, as well, that can really enhance any advertising campaign.

I seriously recommend taking the professional membership.  It's very economical, and gives you almost as much as the pro-plus without the extra expense.  I don't recommend the free membership at all.  You get what you pay for and if you're seriously trying to market without spending a dime, you won't make a dime, either.  Just don't waste your money.

The safelist I'm talking about is Business World Safelist
It's brought me a lot of business over the years and continues to be very responsive and a good source of new business.  If you are a safelist user, or are thinking about becoming one, this is the one to use.

God bless,

Jim Allen

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Re: Not All Safelists are the Same
11/11/2006 9:14:47 PM
Hey Dave,

Thanks for some good direct info for folks.  We truly need more openess such as your post here.  I too believe that whether you own or utilize safelist services they can be a very effective means of marketing your business.

 Effectively communicating with your list members or potential client should be geared towards instilling a need and having the client sell themselves, by showing the benefits of having the challenge solved. 

Generally works good for me when I am safelist marketing.   Owning the list or building a relationship with list owners is really a good idea.  Solo ads and to contact  addresses from the admin of the list is a great way to test a subject line and the corresponding ad or squeeze page.  Track and test several versions inexpensively while learning what is the best to blast via the submitters and other mediums.  If you can and want the responsibility OWN the list, when done right it can be quite profitable.

Other ad locations are useful as well, imagine hundreds of people daily visiting your site and freely giving you permission to send them an ad.  Better yet before theirs is placed they have to see yours during the activation.  I used to use these for advertising and now I just advertise My Free Ads Site I paid once and own it forever.  All I do is send traffic.  Simple Solution to growing a list of your own.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Neil Reinhardt

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Re: Not All Safelists are the Same
11/11/2006 11:05:22 PM
Hi Dave, Thanks for the information! I am fairly sure I was a member of that list a few years ago and had problems with it as my WebTV did not function with it as it should. I think it is a good list as well and wish I had not had my WebTV incompatability problems with it. As far as your safe list. How many messages from others are the most one would get per day??? Thanks!! Neil
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Re: Not All Safelists are the Same
11/12/2006 2:17:41 AM

Thanks Dave,

I have listed this to favourites and will visit later,


Dave Cottrell

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Re: Not All Safelists are the Same
11/12/2006 2:28:40 AM
Hi Neil,

If everyone on my Busybee Safelist posted on the same day, you could get around 2000 messages in one day.

The fact is that free members can only post once every 7 days, and pro members can only post once a day, so if everyone posted every time they could, you could get over a thousand messages.  The reality is, very few people mail as often as they can, but the fact is, you DO NOT want to use your regular email account for receiving mail from safelists.  Your best bet right now for a free one is gmail.

God bless,


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