
Who is Winston Scoville?

Winston Scoville

Winston Scoville
BirthdayMonday, November 7, 1960
Member SinceWednesday, May 26, 2004
Last ActivityWednesday, June 10, 2009
LocationClinton, Ontario, Canada Canada
About Me
About Me

A little about me.
I'm originally from St. John's, Newfoundland.

Newfoundland it one of Canada's two island provinces . A few of it's claim's to fame?
- North America's most easterly point
- St. John's is North America's oldest City
- A small community named Cupids has the distinction of being the location of the first newborn baby of european parentage in the new world. The original settlement was only recently found as is in the process of being excavated.
- An excavated Viking settlement in Northern Newfoundland has dated the first European setter around 1000AD. (Another site that is currently being excavated is expected to show an even earlier visit by the Norsemen.)
- The home away from home of many of the famous Pirates of the 1700-1800s.
- Also the new home away from home for many people who found their planes ground there during the 9/11 disaster.

Now living in Clinton Ontario (home of the Radar by the way) by day I am employed as a Network Administrator/Inside Sales person for a small electrical manufacturing company (

When not at work and time permits you can usually find me working on either my website business (, on my models, or just sitting back relaxing with my family catching a movie or two. :-)



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Marilyn L Martin - (9/10/2007 11:17:47 AM) : Hi Winston,

I am giving you a rating of "10" because I think you deserve that and more. I do not know you all that well, but what I know of you and have heard from others is very good. You are a very upstanding person, always willing to help others, and be there for them when you can...those are all very good attributes to have. I wish you much continued success in all that you do always!

God Bless You,

Marilyn Martin
Lee Talmadge - (3/15/2006 4:43:43 PM) : Hi Winston,
Thank You for your friendship,we are honored to have you as part of adland family.I hope you find adland as enjoyable and helpful as I have.I wish you success in all you do :-) Lee
Kenneth R Sword Jr - (12/30/2005 8:59:14 AM) : Here is a person that is very caring and giving and truly a person that I am proud to know.

Thank you for all of your help, knowledge and support.

I wish I could rate you higher.

Happy New Year my friend.

Kenneth R Sword Jr
Paul Falardeau - (11/28/2005 11:20:37 AM) : It's great to have you on my friend list. Here's to your success.
Bill Sullivan - (11/13/2005 2:49:01 PM) :
Just the test drive alone will prove it to you!
You will wonder why it hasn't been done before.
You can just SET and FORGET, till you see the money.
Want to be the first to know, send a blank email
I will never share your email.
Greer Trumble - (9/8/2005 10:17:46 AM) : Winston is an incredibly smart guy with community orietnation. He has interacted and helped me on numberous occasions and I value his friendship.
Randall Parks - (8/19/2005 9:11:36 AM) : Great webpage! I really like your attitude.
Nan Herring - (8/18/2005 11:55:41 AM) : This is a wondereful site, and a great idea.
Kathy Hamilton - (8/17/2005 5:32:41 PM) : Hello,
welcome,Great site,glad you are here, kathy martin
