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Why Aren't You Answering
11/6/2006 3:57:04 AM
Hello Friends, Email is exploding. Now that people are sending email on a regular basis, just about everyone's email box is over-flowing. If your prospect doesn't recognize your name or email address, or your subject line doesn't sound interesting, your carefully crafted email message can be deleted along with the morning spam. Many of us also leave messages we want to respond to in the IN file of our email programs, hoping to get to them when we have time. After a week or so we forget all about them. One aggressive entrepreneur sends me his sales messages almost every day. When he wrote a personal note to me, I mistook it for his daily ad and didn't open it. Here's the number one way to break through to email-swamped customers on your third send. Put their name and the words "Why aren't you answering me?" in the subject line. To keep your note from sounding hostile, make the body of your email less impatient. "I know you're getting an avalanche of email and may have missed the note I sent last month. Here is my original message below. Thanks for your time and I look forward to hearing from you." The "Why aren't you answering me?"subject line works every time. It can be just the solution when you absolutely must get your message to its intended destination. Although sometimes you just never get through,if you have any tips I'd love to hear them,please post them! Thanks Leanne Busby Discover how you can literally DOUBLE your sales and profits!
Kathy Kanouse

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Re: Why Aren't You Answering
11/6/2006 8:32:04 AM
No tips Leanne just a Thank you for your great tips.
Kathy C
Andrew Birse

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Re: Why Aren't You Answering
11/6/2006 6:31:59 PM
Hi Leanne,

This is a great tip.

I worry about sending too many emails to prospects in case they get sick of it and unsubscibe.  But, if they're not reading the emails, they may as well unsubscibe I guess and answer the question for good.

Thanks for the tip, I know it works because I instantly clicked and didn't just leave the message in my 1028 message inbox to be read or forgotten about later.


Regards, Andrew Birse Do you want to retire in 4 years or 40?
Re: Why Aren't You Answering
11/6/2006 11:22:59 PM
Hi Andrew, I feel the same way,its hard to know what's too many and the same goes for forum posts, a lot I just delete.It's only what interests me.Just shows what takes your attention and to keep trying new things. Thanks for posting,you too Kathy, have a good week! Leanne Busby Sign up for free newsletter tips and tricks for networking at home!

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